Michael Boland


One hundred years of evil
¿Adolf Hitler sobrevivió a la Segunda Guerra Mundial y vivió bajo una identidad asumida? El investigador noruego Skule Antonsen se pone del lado del documentalista español Idelfonso Elizalde para seguir los pasos de Adolf Munchenhauser, un Hitler similar capturado por las fuerzas aliadas en Berlín en 1945. Cuando Munchenhauser es liberado del campo Rebecca en 1946, un campo de prisioneros secreto en Nevada Desierto, decide quedarse en los Estados Unidos. Skule profundiza en la vida de Munchenhausers y escucha muchas historias, pero ninguna de ellas revela su verdadera identidad. ¿Es posible que Adolf Munchenhuser realmente fuera Adolf Hitler? A medida que Skule profundiza en la verdad, se hace evidente que hay fuerzas poderosas que harán cualquier cosa para detenerlo
Sarah McLachlan: A Life of Music
Camera Operator
The life of pop superstar Sarah McLachlan comes alive in this intimate documentary that has McLachlan talking about her fame, her loves, her family and her music. Learn about her relationship with her adoptive parents, when she first discovered her musical talent, and how she came up with the idea for the Lilith Fair music festival. The film also includes performances of hits "Building a Mystery," "Into the Fire" and "I Will Remember You."
A Licensed Liberty
Karl has a childlike innocence and naive purity. In spite of making false friends and enemies, he retains his decency in New York which remains a foreign city for him.
The Boys Are Back
Documentary that follows the Edmonton Oilers at the beginning of the 1988-89 NHL hockey season, as Wayne Gretzky makes his return with the Los Angeles Kings for the first time since being traded.
Gary Carter Visits Japan
Montreal Expos star catcher Gary Carter visits Japan to learn about the customs and traditions of baseball in the Far East. He also encounters other "foreign" baseball players he once played with in the MLB.