Ten-Cent Daisy (A Lost Mermaid Tale) follows three sisters Orchid, Violet and Daisy, the mermaid who all run away from their small Caribbean fishing village after Daisy is assaulted by the local pastor.
Professor Howard
The intrapersonal fragility of a psychologist's life is revealed as she helps others navigate through the issues in their own lives.
Drew Peterson es un policía que, a pesar de su carácter dominante y prepotente, ejerce un irresistible atractivo para las mujeres. Un día, su esposa decide abandonarlo y Drew inicia una nueva relación con una joven recepcionista que cree haber encontrado en él al hombre de su vida. Cuando recibe la noticia del extraño suicidio de la exmujer de Drew, la nueva esposa, embarazada del segundo hijo de éste, decide hacerse cargo del niño de la víctima como si fuera propio. Pero, al pasar el tiempo, advierte un exceso de control y manipulación por parte de su marido que enturbiará su relación.
A group of out-of-work actors decide to take their careers into their own hands by shooting a low-budget horror film, about an urban myth. With only 15 days to shoot their unfinished script, at a remote castle in the desert, getting through the first night becomes a nightmare. As their egos begin to surface so do the dead bodies.
A group of out-of-work actors decide to take their careers into their own hands by shooting a low-budget horror film, about an urban myth. With only 15 days to shoot their unfinished script, at a remote castle in the desert, getting through the first night becomes a nightmare. As their egos begin to surface so do the dead bodies.
Shipping Clerk
A husband hires a nurse to care for his wife, who suffers from Multiple Scleroses, but a relationship soon develops between the two.
Gate Sentry
Dar, el guerrero capaz de hablar con las bestias, debe viajar esta vez a través del tiempo para detener a su malvado hermano, que pretende robar una bomba atómica.
Security guard
An entertaining combination of heavy-metal rockers and female mud wrestlers hosted by Jessica Hahn.