Arne Hain


Mad God
Surgeon / Alchemist / Witch
Sigue a The Assassin a través de un mundo imponente de almas torturadas, búnkeres decrépitos y monstruosidades miserables forjadas a partir de los horrores más primordiales de la mente subconsciente. Cada decorado, criatura y efigie de esta macabra obra maestra está hecho a mano y minuciosamente animado utilizando técnicas tradicionales de stop-motion. MAD GOD es una obra de amor, un testimonio del poder del valor creativo y un homenaje al arte atemporal de la animación stop-motion. Prepara tus ojos. Prepara tu espíritu. Prepárate para conocer a tu creador.
Oldboy's Apples
Join a demon, a puppy and a rat in this stop-motion headtrip about a mysterious, magically summoned apple tree. With its innovative, intricate character design and intoxicatingly evocative, genuinely strange world, Oldboy’s Apples makes for tactile, ritualistic viewing – a rabbit hole of idolatry and the id.
Joy in Iran
Documenting the performance journey of the artists Susie Wimmer, Andreas Schock and Moni Single from "Clowns Without Borders" to Iranian aid institutions - homes for orphans and street children, hospitals, psychiatric clinics and refugee camps.
Juno, a twenty-year-old girl becomes obsessed with Pan. Her obsession turns her into an animal.