Mike Crawford

Nacimiento : 1971-01-01, Corvallis, Oregon, USA


The Love Witch
Line Producer
Una joven bruja está empeñada en encontrar el amor a base de conjuros y pócimas que le permitan seducir a cualquiera. Cuando por fin encuentra al hombre de sus sueños, su deseo se convierte en desesperación, en locura y luego en... Con un estilo visual que homenajea los thrillers en Technicolor de los sesenta, The Love Witch explora las fantasías femeninas y las consecuencias del narcisismo exacerbado.
Demon Dolls
Based on the 1993 horror film "Demon Dolls" by Director Todd Jason Cook, this REMAKE gives the cult classic a darker atmosphere and new slasher style approach. Looking for a gift for his little sister, Mike comes across a clown doll at a small corner store. He purchases the doll and goes back home to begin setting up for his Halloween party with his friends. At Mike's party, the body count begins and it soon becomes clear that the doll has plans for Mike's party guests, and fun is NOT on the menu.
Raised by Wolves
Location Scout
When a group of friends come across an abandoned house in the barren desert, what follows is a terrifying tale of evil possession causing the friends to slowly turn against each other.
Raised by Wolves
Line Producer
When a group of friends come across an abandoned house in the barren desert, what follows is a terrifying tale of evil possession causing the friends to slowly turn against each other.
A Private Act
Line Producer
A young widow, Senora Paloma Ruiz, is perversely ambushed by Colonel Blanca, the very man who orchestrated the torture of her husband during Argentina's notorious 'Dirty War'.
Tomorrow You're Gone
Line Producer
Un ex presidiario inestable llamado Charlie Rankin (Dorff) se enrolla con Florence Jane (Michelle Monaghan), una actriz porno, con la que se embarca en un violento viaje por carretera buscando su salvación. Con tal de cumplir con el plan que Charlie traza junto a su fiel compañero de celda, William Pettigrew (Ray Winstone), para vengarse de las dos personas que le hicieron daño en el pasado; Charlie comete un grave error al equivocarse de casa y asesinando así a dos personas inocentes. Desesperado, Charlie busca refugio en casa de Florence, desarrollándose entre ellos una relación amorosa totalmente opuesta a la violenta realidad que viven.
Sympathy for Delicious
Line Producer
Un DJ paralítico que malvive en las calles de Los Ángeles descubre un día que posee la extraordinaria y milagrosa facultad de curar a los demás, aunque no a sí mismo. A pesar de ello, estaría dispuesto a renunciar a ese don a cambio de alcanzar la fama en el mundo de la música.
13 Moons
Line Producer
Things aren't looking so good for television clown Banana's career, and the fact that his estranged wife, Suzi, has just been arrested for assaulting his girlfriend, Lily, just serves to compound Banana's despair.
Line Producer
A Colorado sheriff and his teenage son investigate a bizarre kidnapping, ultimately leading them on the hunt for a legendary Swiss criminal.
Attention Shoppers
Line Producer
An actor's promotional appearance at a new shopping centre is ruined when a popular rival shows up at a nearby store.
Desert Blue
Production Accountant
An academic obsessed with "roadside attractions" and his tv-star daughter finally discover the world's largest ice cream cone, the centerpiece for an old gold-rush town struggling to stay on the map. They end up staying longer than expected because of an accident that spilled an unknown cola ingredient all over the highway. They spend the next few days with the various residents of the town which include a teenage girl who loves to blow things up and a boy trying to keep alive his fathers dream of building a beachside resort in the middle of the desert.