Jonathan Pendergrass


Chain Letter
Foley Editor
Slasher donde el asesino busca a sus víctimas en aquellos que rompen una cadena de emails.
Small Town Saturday Night
Foley Editor
Just days before Rhett (Chris Pine) is leaving for Nashville to pursue a lifelong dream of being a singer/songwriter, his girlfriend Samantha (Bre Blair) realizes that "his" future may not be "their" future. This news comes as a shock to Rhett, and he is faced with having to choose between following his dream and staying in his hometown in order to be with the woman he loves.
Sympathy for Delicious
Foley Editor
Un DJ paralítico que malvive en las calles de Los Ángeles descubre un día que posee la extraordinaria y milagrosa facultad de curar a los demás, aunque no a sí mismo. A pesar de ello, estaría dispuesto a renunciar a ese don a cambio de alcanzar la fama en el mundo de la música.