T.G. Firestone


Breakup Season
Second Unit Director of Photography
A young man brings his girlfriend to his rural Oregon hometown to introduce her to his family, only for things to go terribly wrong.
First Cow
"B" Camera Operator
Narra la historia de un cocinero contratado por una expedición de cazadores de pieles, en el estado de Oregón, en la década de 1820. También la de un misterioso inmigrante chino que huye de unos hombres que le persiguen, y de la creciente amistad entre ambos en un territorio hostil.
Family Portrait
Camera Operator
Lance Bangs makes a film about contemporary culture in Los Angeles centered around Family Bookstore, Hope Gallery, The Smell, Cinefamily, and Ooga Booga.
Passaic Mosaic
Camera Operator
A short documentary, looking at life in Passaic, New Jersey, whilst the film Be Kind Rewind (2008) is being shot there.