For the work Decades Apart commissioned by the Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain for the exhibition Highlights, PARKing CHANce has conceived an original immersive 3D sound and image installation. Based on the set of Joint Security Area (JSA) (2000), a movie by Park Chan-wook, new images were filmed for the work and sound treated in a very surprising way to give the visitor a total experience.
Executive Producer
A brilliant young CEO from London contemplates the possibility of selling his invention to a mysterious Chinese billionaire. Before actually meeting his potential investor however our protagonist must face a number of challenges in the form of journeys, riddles and the exchange of clothes.
Un experimento para solucionar el calentamiento global acabó con la mayoría de vida existente en el planeta. El último tren llamado Snowpiercer (Rompenieves) se mueve en círculos por el mundo, a través de un desierto de hielo y nieve. Los últimos supervivientes de la Tierra se amontonan en sus vagones. El joven Curtis (Chris Evans) iniciará una revolución desde los vagones de cola.
A master and his student visit a mountain to practice pansori (a musical storytelling performed by a singer and a drummer) after a music competition which outcome has left the trainee disappointed.
A man casually sets up for a fishing trip at the water's edge. Evening comes and a tug on his line presents him with the body of a woman.
Production Coordinator
Los habitantes de Seúl observan sorprendidos un extraño objeto que cuelga de un puente sobre el río Han. El objeto es, en realidad, una monstruosa criatura mutante que al despertar devora a todo aquel que se cruza en su camino. En medio de tanto horror, la criatura mutante rapta a la hija del dueño de un quiosco que vive felizmente a la orilla del río. Mientras el ejército fracasa una y otra vez en sus intentos de destruir al monstruo, este hombrecillo anónimo y su familia intentan recuperar a su hija.