François Busnel

François Busnel


François Busnel


Seule la terre est éternelle
Paul Auster: What If
Self - Book Critic
A walk by American writer Paul Auster’s world, his past —his family, his youth, his work—, and his present, which is the publication of his novel 4321 in January 2017, an exploration of human identity and a glimpse to the soul of New York, a city that Auster has depicted as nobody has ever done.
Valérian, histoire d'une création
La mejor en la cama
Una joven mujer segura de sí empieza a creer que es mala en la cama después de un par de intentos fallidos en una sola noche.
Stefan Zweig - Histoire d'un européen
Stefan Zweig was the most read author of the German language in the 1930s. He believed in a united, peaceful Europe and travelled most parts of the world. He was a pacifist and was torn apart by to the cruelties and horrors of the second World War. He committed suicide in Brasil. This documentary tells the story of his life.