Director of Photography
Single mother Martina raised twin girls, one of whom was born blind and the other with polio, leaving her disabled. Both children are now adults, and disabled Jana would love to leave her mother and live on her own in institutional living. And she would also like to experience sex, perhaps with a paid assistant. The documentary offers a brutally unsentimental view into the life of an impoverished rural family with two permanently disabled members. It delicately captures both everyday and exceptional situations, focusing mainly on the personal, emotional and relationship problems between the protagonists.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
El nuevo documental de los directores checos Vít Klusák y Barbora Chalupová ("Daliborek, el youtuber nazi") explora el oscuro mundo de los abusos sexuales a menores en línea y hace de un experimento una intervención social.
Tres jóvenes actrices fingen ser menores de edad y ven qué sucede cuando se registran en una popular sala de chat en línea. Un experimento revelador que muestra cómo esta forma moderna de acoso sexual se ha convertido en una amenaza demasiado común y muy extendida.
Camera Operator
Dalibor K. is an industrial painter, amateur horror maker, the composer of angry songs, painter and a radical neo-Nazi. He is approaching 40, but he is still living with his mother Vera, Aged 63, and is yet to experience the real relationship with a woman. He hates his job, gypsies, Jews, refugees, homosexuals, Merkel, spiders and dentists. He hates his life, but he doesn’t know how to change it.
Camera Operator
Assistant Camera
New husband Adam reluctantly takes a job with state security in a totalitarian country, thus becoming a secret police agent. This "contract with the devil" helps secure a flat for the happy couple, as well as a prosperous future. However, he soon finds out that he too is under surveillance.