George Maya


A fuego lento
Art Direction
Dos americanos y su joven hija, Trina, viajaron al desierto de México en busca de unos diamantes que habían pertenecido a la familia. La pareja murió en extrañas circunstancias, y ahora Trina, que ya es adulta, sigue empeñada en la búsqueda de los diamantes, a pesar de que Frank trata que olvide esta obsesión. Por otro lado, dos convictos que se han perdido mientras trataban de pasar la frontera, han encontrado los diamantes por casualidad..
La herencia del viento
Art Direction
Two great lawyers argue the case for and against a science teacher accused of the crime of teaching evolution.
Running Red
Art Direction
Gregori is an ex-Soviet Commando haunted by the death of his brother, and trying to forget his old life in the US. However, Gregori realizes after he has already started a family of his own that the past is never far behind. A former superior from his days as a Russkie hired gun orders him to kill some people or watch his new family die. It looks like Gregori doesn't have much of a choice, because he's grown fond of having Angie Everhart for a wife...