Claudio Remondi

Claudio Remondi


Claudio Remondi


Salvatore Ferro
The investigations of the Italian Police antimafia Branch searching the murderers of judge Giovanni Falcone.
Auguri professore
Teacher who drafted the study plans
Professor Lipari teaches in a public school and is in a full-on existential crisis. He has no faith in himself and in the possibility of changing the world for the better. At school, a former student of his who is also a teacher will change his attitude.
Io con te non ci sto più
Rappresentazione della terribile caccia alla balena bianca Moby Dick
La favolosa storia di Don Chisciotte della Mancia e del suo scudiero Sancio Panza inventata da Cervantes ricostruita e rappresentata in uno studio televisivo da una compagnia di attori e di musici con Ronzinante e l'asino animali veri
Sancio Panza