Kate Boundy


Savile, el depredador
Production Executive
En 2011, miles de fans lloraron la pérdida de Sir Jimmy Savile, una de las mayores estrellas británicas. Meses después, quedó expuesto como el delincuente sexual más prolífico del país.
Tut's Final Secrets
Production Executive
Towering pyramids. Chambers of treasure. Dramatic rituals. This fascinating movie travels back over 3,000 years to retrace the final 100 days of ancient Egypt's most legendary pharaoh Tutankhamun. Find out what daily life was like for the 19-year-old king as he ruled over one of the ancient world's most advanced civilizations.
One Deadly Weekend in America
Executive In Charge Of Production
A look at the people affected by seven shootings which occurred during the same July weekend.