Xavier Thieulin


The Peace and Love Process
Foley Mixer
Marie and Simon, a couple with two children, are deeply in love despite constant fights in their paired life. To save their marriage, they come up with a chart of Ten Rules to seek love and peace.
After 30 years of exile in Paris, Jana travels back to Vilnius. She wants to see again the lake that Paulius, her first love, called “Walden”.
En piste !
Sound Mixer
Witness at her best friend's wedding, Pauline hopes to enjoy this extraordinary day and to get closer to Raphael. But it will be hard for her to take her eyes off her disabled daughter Emma, whom she could not bring herself to let keep.
Sound Mixer
Eighteen-year-old Victor loses his parents in a car accident three months before his baccalauréat. He is taken in by his godfather Michel, an enigmatic man who lives in the outbuilding of a chateau with his daughter Caroline, a young woman in her twenties.
Tommy Guns
Sound Mixer
In 1974, after years of civil war, the Portuguese and their descendants fled the colony of Angola where independentist groups gradually claimed their territory back. A tribal girl discovers love and death when her path crosses that of a young Portuguese soldier. Meanwhile, another group of Portuguese soldiers is barracked inside an infinite wall from which they will have to escape once the past comes out of the grave to claim its long-awaited justice.
Musician Oliver Sim is the main guest of a talk-show that soon slides into a surreal journey of love, shame, and blood.
My Small Land
Recording Supervision
Sarya lives between three worlds: Having fled from Turkey to Japan, her small family tries to maintain their Kurdish traditions. On the other hand, Sarya, who arrived when she was five, feels at home in Japan. But then, the family loses its refugee-status. Life becomes unpredictable and their days in Japan seem numbered. A haunting story about the balancing act of finding your place in the world.
Exalted Mars
Sound Designer
A man is dreaming of a city. Unless the city is dreaming of him.
Hot Rod
Sound Mixer
Summer 2031, 104°. Saadia, 16, is in mechanical school although the car industry is in crisis and there are only a few electric cars in circulation. Her friends, Charly and Titi, throw a joke to cheer her up: what if the car of the future was a horse? Against all odds, Saadia trades her scooter for a massive workhorse which she brings back to the heart of her housing project.
Toutes les nuits
Sound Mixer
Belleville. A working-class Parisian neighborhood. Nadia teaches french to Chinese prostitutes in an association. Committed to her work, she gets close to one of her students, Mei, who is saving money to make his son travel to France.
Les sentinelles
After a long night of partying, Nora announces to her friends that she is going to leave them for good. Adrift, the little group spends their last hours together in a bittersweet atmosphere, but Leo, the quietest of the group, slowly sinks into deep distress.
Bajo los cielos del Líbano
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
En la década de 1950, Alice deja las montañas y la soleada Suiza por las vibrantes costas de Beirut, en el Líbano. No sabe que allí se enamorará perdidamente de Joseph, un excéntrico astrofísico que quiere lanzar al país a la carrera espacial. Alice pronto encaja entre su grupo de amigos y familiares, pero tras años de felicidad, la amenaza de la guerra se cierne sobre este particular Jardín del Edén que han construido juntos.
Sound Mixer
La nube
Sound Mixer
A Virginie le resulta difícil conciliar su vida de agricultora con la de madre soltera. Para sacar a su familia adelante y evitar la quiebra de su granja, se entrega en cuerpo y alma a la cría de saltamontes comestibles. La vida es dura: las preocupaciones económicas y los problemas prácticos se amontonan, las tensiones con sus hijos y vecinos aumentan. Poco a poco, Virginie empieza a desarrollar un extraño vínculo obsesivo con sus saltamontes: ni sus hijos son capaces ya de reconocerla.
Sound Mixer
In Dulce - New Mexico, Leon Reval loses the tribal elections and his position as councilman. The uncertainty of his future echoes with the one of Jicarillas tribe. Today, they try - in vain - to keep on the fight that began with Geronimo against Mexico and United States, in order to preserve the Native American's rights.
Sunset Cemetery
Sound Mixer
Joseph isn't particularly happy, even though he's good at hiding it. The day his brother dies, he becomes certain he'll miss out on his life. So that it doesn't slip away from him, one night he gives in to his desire.
Ordinary Time
Sound Mixer
One of the most far-reaching events in a human life is the birth of your baby. But life with a newborn can be so ordinary and at the same time all-embracing: the wash is drying in the corridor, the bathroom has to be cleaned. In the calm rhythm of the day, 'Ordinary Time' skims past authentic moments like this.
Sound Editor
M da voz a un hombre que fue víctima de abusos sexuales en su infancia, que denunció a los medios tras grabar la confesión de uno de sus agresores.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
M da voz a un hombre que fue víctima de abusos sexuales en su infancia, que denunció a los medios tras grabar la confesión de uno de sus agresores.
Bad Bunny
Sound Mixer
Wayward boy punishes his mother’s lover. Beauty and horror fondle each other. Young gods callously abjure conventional morality. Death goes whoring in child’s guise. Living in a world of role play, Miguel spends all his time playing with his sister Clara. They have a close bond that is made even more intense by Clara's illness. Yet despite all his efforts, Miguel senses that there's something missing in Clara's life that he cannot give her. Time is running out, and her health is deteriorating. One evening, he decides to approach a young man.
Sound Mixer
A sexual reverie unfolds over the course of one ethereal night. Characters wander through an erotic maze of love and lust, blurring the lines between wet dream and lucid nightmare as a macabre, erotic stage performance sends a ripple of lustful desires through its audience and performers.
High Cities of Bone
Sound Mixer
Karlon, born in Pedreira dos Húngaros (a slum in the outskirts of Lisbon) and a pioneer of Cape Verdean creole rap, runs away from the housing project to which he had been relocated.
Cuatro días, cuatro noches
Sound Mixer
Una mañana Pierre deja a Paul. Conduciendo en su Alfa Romeo, atraviesa toda Francia, con sus llanuras, montañas, sin destino preciso. Pierre utiliza Grindr, una aplicación de su móvil que le localiza oportunidades de ligue. Pero Paul también recurre a ella para seguir a Pierre. Al cabo de cuatro días y cuatro noches de encuentros -sexuales o no-, ¿volverán Pierre y Paul a encontrarse?
Sound Designer
Each one in their apartment, Mitsuko and Daisuke remember.
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Martin, un adolescente que vive solo con su padre, experimenta con una cámara de cine como forma de captar lo que le gusta, a través de la cual deja entrever los deseos y fantasías de su homosexualidad oculta. Dominique, un chico un poco mayor que trabaja en el instituto, aparece en su vida, y quizás pueda ser una puerta hacia la madurez.
El Éjercito del Crimen
Sound Mix Technician
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). En París, el poeta obrero Missak Manouchian encabeza un heterogéneo grupo de partisanos (22 hombres y una mujer) que luchan clandestinamente contra la ocupación nazi con la esperanza de recuperar la libertad. La información sobre sus osadas acciones, que incluyen el asesinato de un general de las SS, termina por llegar a Berlín. Siguiendo órdenes de la Gestapo, la policía francesa y los colaboracionistas asediarán a Manouchian y a sus compañeros de la Resistencia. (FILMAFFINITY)