Michele Rede


Dead Air
Costume Design
A distraught disc jockey seeks out a mystery caller who may be the killer of his girlfriend.
Dangerous Heart
Costume Design
A cop begins to turn to booze and cocaine during a tough undercover assignment. When a big drug-buy goes sour and the cop ends up with a million in cash, he decides to take off with the money. The drug dealer catches up with him, but he dies before revealing where he stashed the cash. Months later, the drug dealer finds the cop's wife and seduces her, in an effort to find his missing million. In the process, he falls in love with her and alienates his former partners in crime.
The Broken Cord
Costume Design
Un joven de Lakota llamado Adam es adoptado por David Norwell, de 26 años. A Norwell se le dice que Adam podría tener retraso mental, pero Norwell cree que el niño tendrá éxito en un ambiente amoroso. Tiene que lidiar con los problemas de criar a un niño con necesidades especiales, como tener que cuidar a un niño que tiene todo, desde problemas para ir al baño hasta convulsiones. Después del descubrimiento de una lesión en el cerebro de Adam, más tarde se dio cuenta de que Adam no tiene una discapacidad de aprendizaje como se creía anteriormente, sino más bien el síndrome de alcoholismo fetal.
White Lie
Costume Design
A black New York man returns to his southern hometown to investigate his father's lynching at the hands of a white mob.
Red Wind
Costume Design
A psychotherapist who specializes in treating people in abusive relationships inadvertently causes a patient to kill her abusive husband.