Jenny Kubo


Mysteries of The Holy Arks
The Ark of the Covenant and Noah's Ark are two very different Bible stories with one burning question.
Supervising Producer
El documental lanza preguntas sobre quién posee la verdad de la historia que refleja la de muchas otras historias de exilio, familias rotas y sueños arruinados.
Cuando los cocodrilos comían dinosaurios
Hace unos cien millones de años, los cocodrilos eran los T. rexes gobernantes de las aguas. Galoparon por tierra, emboscaron presas en la orilla del río, incluso aterrorizaron a los dinosaurios. Estos veloces depredadores evolucionaron a lo largo de los siglos hasta convertirse en los cocodrilos modernos que conocemos hoy. Ahora, armado con huesos de cocodrilo prehistóricos recién descubiertos, el Dr. Paul Sereno está decidido a dar vida a las antiguas criaturas y contar su fantástica historia no contada. Aprende sobre un cocodrilo que perseguía a sus presas por tierra, un supercocodrilo que apretaba sus mandíbulas alrededor de los dinosaurios, incluso un cocodrilo con una cara sorprendentemente canina. Combinando arte, ciencia forense y biología, un equipo reanima un mundo perdido de extraños cocodrilos del Cretácico que la paleontología olvidó.
Dinos raros
While dinosaurs may have been some of the mightiest creatures ever to have walked the earth, they also could have been among the most bizarre. With extreme, exaggerated body parts, some predators were loaded with outlandish or disproportionately sized appendages. Join world-renowned paleontologists and travel the globe to unearth some of the lesser-known but most surprising members of the dinosaur family: Mamenchisaurus, whose neck alone was longer than the rest of its body; Chasmosaurus, adorned with a fashionable crown of frilly spikes to attract the eyes of potential suitors; Spinosaurus, with massive extensions from its vertebrae that could have supported a sail or a hump; and Parasaurolophus, whose tube-like head crest may look odd to us, but was a mating magnet back in the day.
One Foot on a Banana Peel, the Other Foot in the Grave: Secrets from the Dolly Madison Room
Post Production Assistant
Secrets from the Dolly Madison Room This thoughts and feelings of gays with AIDS are revealed in this documentary set in a New York West Village clinic. One of the patients dies during the course of the film. The patients speak with candor and humor about their grave condition, about the support they give each other, and about their preparations for death. The outcome alternates between pathos and the upbeat.