Natalia Domeretskaya


Natasha es una mujer solitaria de mediana edad, administrativa en un zoológico, donde sus compañeras encuentran divertido reírse de ella. Vive con su madre, una mujer temerosa de Dios, y lleva una existencia sin ninguna perspectiva de cambios importantes. Sin embargo es esto precisamente lo que le sucede cuando Natasha descubre que le ha crecido una cola. Durante un examen médico conoce a Pyotr, un joven radiólogo, y su hasta el momento deprimente vida da un giro completo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Queen of Spades: The Dark Rite
Hay un antiguo ritual conocido desde hace más de cien años… Según la leyenda, una entidad siniestra conocida como La dama de picas puede ser convocada mediante la elaboración de una puerta y la escalera en un espejo en la oscuridad, y diciendo su nombre tres veces. La dama de picas obtiene su energía a partir de los objetos reflectantes; ella corta mechones de pelo de los dormidos, y los hace enloquecer o morir. Cuatro adolescentes deciden llamar a La dama de picas como una broma. Pero cuando uno de ellos muere de un ataque al corazón, el grupo se da cuenta de que están en contra de algo inexplicable y mortalmente peligroso.
Corrections Class
Casting Director
Lena is a bright, disabled girl who, after years spent studying at home, is keen to get back to school. She is assigned to a special class for disabled pupils who have to present themselves before a school commission at the end of the year in order to prove that they merit being moved back into a "normal" class. Her enervated teachers, however, show absolutely no desire to motivate the students and help them improve; on the contrary, they try to quash right from the start any interest Lena shows in more complex study material. Nevertheless, Lena soon involves herself in the school routine and gets together with classmate Anton. Yet their transparent happiness is not to everyone's liking and repercussions soon follow.
Corrections Class
Lena is a bright, disabled girl who, after years spent studying at home, is keen to get back to school. She is assigned to a special class for disabled pupils who have to present themselves before a school commission at the end of the year in order to prove that they merit being moved back into a "normal" class. Her enervated teachers, however, show absolutely no desire to motivate the students and help them improve; on the contrary, they try to quash right from the start any interest Lena shows in more complex study material. Nevertheless, Lena soon involves herself in the school routine and gets together with classmate Anton. Yet their transparent happiness is not to everyone's liking and repercussions soon follow.
A Man in My Head
Suddenly Alyona start talking to a stranger man who lives... inside her head.
Love Journal
A love story between young and romantic girl from Minsk and a successful programmer from Moscow.
This story takes place in Moscow during 2006. The film is about new generation of kids, called Indigo, who have more mental and spiritual abilities than others. A company of such kids gather together in hidden places. Each of them can do unbelievable things, such as : reading other people thoughts, communicating with animals, breaking computer codes. They are different from ordinary people and they are happy with each other. But some adults want to use their talents for old-time perverted purposes...
One Life
A story about Marina and her problematic life after divorce.
Estrella: señal de socorro
Segunda Guerra Mundial, verano de 1944. Frente ruso. Tras prolongadas y sangrientas batallas, el Ejército Rojo ha hecho retroceder a los invasores alemanes hasta la frontera oeste de Rusia. Sin embargo, los alemanes se preparan para llevar a cabo un gran contraataque. El Cuartel General del Ejército Rojo envía a un grupo de jóvenes soldados, con edades comprendidas entre los 23 y los 25 años, detrás de las líneas enemigas, para informar sobre los movimientos del enemigo. Su señal de llamada será "Estrella".
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