Jon-André Hakvåg


Christmas Blood
Christmas Blood is a thriller-slasher about a feared serial killer, called Nissen, who has struck Norway's countryside every Christmas Eve for over 13 years. Investigators Rasch and Hansen is trying to solve the riddle before he returns. This time it appears that it is northern Norway that will face Nissen's bloodbath.
Christmas Blood
Camera Operator
Christmas Blood is a thriller-slasher about a feared serial killer, called Nissen, who has struck Norway's countryside every Christmas Eve for over 13 years. Investigators Rasch and Hansen is trying to solve the riddle before he returns. This time it appears that it is northern Norway that will face Nissen's bloodbath.
El muñeco de nieve
Un detective llamado Harry Hole investiga la desaparición de la madre de un niño. La única pista que se tiene es que su bufanda apareció colgada en un muñeco de nieve. Con la ayuda de un nuevo policía, Harry tendrá que conectar este nuevo caso con otros antiguos para descubrir la verdad antes de la próxima época de nieve.
The Social Oil
Camera Operator
Line Verndal takes us on a journey into the world of coffee to explore taste, aroma, history and culture, and to experience the people and passion behind good coffee.
Damn Graduation
A group of 18 year-old girls are graduating, and the month of Russ is here. There's only one rule: Everyone's in. At all times. But will friendships really improve with vast amounts of alcohol and male interactions?