Herbert Reinecker

Nacimiento : 1914-12-24, Hagen, Germany

Muerte : 2007-01-27


Gnadenlos 2 - Ausgeliefert und mißbraucht
Gnadenlos - Zur Prostitution gezwungen
Der Weg nach Lourdes
Wer erschoss Boro
Der Lehrer und andere Schulgeschichten
So oder so ist das Leben: Vier Begegnungen in einer Großstadt
Liebe hat ihre Zeit
...But Johnny!
...But Johnny!
...But Johnny!
From Hong Kong with Love
Frank Boyd comes to Hong Kong to visit a friend, but unfortunately he was murdered a few days ago. The father of his fiancee puts $ 10,000 reward for the capture of the murderer and Frank wants to earn this money.
From Hong Kong with Love
Frank Boyd comes to Hong Kong to visit a friend, but unfortunately he was murdered a few days ago. The father of his fiancee puts $ 10,000 reward for the capture of the murderer and Frank wants to earn this money.
Angels Who Burn Their Wings
Munich at night: Robert Susmeit, a 16-year-old teenager who is jealously obsessed with his mother Hilde, traces her and her latest lover at a mundane apartment building where he kills the man in the heat of the moment at a swimming pool. His fatal outburst is secretly witnessed by Moni Dingeldey, a girl of the same age as his. Fascinated by the shaken and devastated strange boy who she hopes to be a soul-mate, she hides Robert in her mother's apartment. Meanwhile, a crowd of policemen and reporters frantically comb through the building in search a murderer whose identity is known only to Robert's parents who are searching as well...
Unter den Dächern von St. Pauli
Winnetou en el valle de la muerte
Mabel Kingsley se dirige a un pueblo del oeste para limpiar el nombre de su padre, acusado de robar oro del gobierno. En su búsqueda de la verdad, cuenta con la ayuda de Old Shatterhand, el Mayor Kingsley, un teniente del ejército, un botánico amateur y Winnetou. Pese a las trabas causadas por los bandidos a los que persiguen y por el jefe Sioux, enemigo de Winnetou, el grupo llega al Valle de la Muerte, lugar donde se encuentran las claves sobre el oro perdido que Kingsley ha venido a buscar.
Jerry Cotton: Death in the Red Jaguar
Part Seven in Jerry Cotton Series. The FBI agent tackles an organisation of assassins who kill to order.
The Monster of Blackwood Castle
Scotland Yard must discover why people are being murdered by a monstrous dog at Blackwood Castle.
Kurt Hoffmann's film adaptation of Tucholsky's eponymous novella is situated in 1910s Berlin: The aspiring editor Wolf runs into Claire by chance. Both are attracted to one another, yet they are not entirely certain about their feelings. They embark on a trip to Rheinsberg to assure themselves about their sentiments. And indeed, the time spent in the romantic provincial town brings clarity to their situation.
The College Girl Murders
Police try to track down a hooded serial killer who murders his victims with a combination of acid and poison gas
Creature with the Blue Hand
Scotland Yard persigue a un maníaco homicida llamado La Mano Azul, que es lo que usa para matar a sus víctimas.
Jerry Cotton: Murderclub Of Brooklyn
Fifth Jerry Cotton Movie. A rich capitalist is blackmailed and threatened with the murder of his daughter.
The Hunchback of Soho
A woman is kidnapped and her identity is stolen by criminals attempting to collect her inheritance.
Ich suche einen Mann
Manhattan Night of Murder
Second Jerry Cotton movie. A ring of gangsters has been terrorizing New York City. Special agent Jerry Cotton is summoned by the FBI to help crack down on the Criminals and put them out of business. He doesnt pull any punches either.
Vuelve el brujo
Los herederos de la fabulosa fortuna de Lord Curtain son asesinados uno tras otro. Junto a las víctimas aparece la tarjeta de visita de un antiguo delincuente conocido como "El Brujo". El Brujo deberá colaborar con el inspector Wesby para demostrar su inocencia.
Nuestro hombre de Viena
Un ingenioso equipo electrónico, utilizado como guía de misiles, es robado en París. Pero la pericia de un aristocrático agente secreto francés consigue localizarlo y recuperarlo en Viena.
Sangre en la pradera
Marble City, un poblado del oeste americano invadido por la fiebre del oro, maleantes, vicio y whisky. Los indios no perdonan a los que les persiguen y exterminan y su propia defensa les convierte en feroces atacantes sin piedad. La paz se aleja y la intervención de hombres dispuestos a luchar por ella, pone fin a la barrera entre la maldad, las razas y su familia. (FILMAFFINITY)
El Brujo
La hermana de un famoso criminal que anda suelto, llamado El Brujo es asesinada. El inspector Higgins de Scotland Yard cree que El Brujo intentará vengarse de los asesinos de su hermana, y planea tender una trampa para capturarlo. Sin embargo, pronto los cadáveres empiezan a amontonarse y parece que El Brujo puede volver a escaparse.
El sheriff implacable
Rex Kelly es un representante de la ley que injustamente envía a Pedro Ortiz a prisión. Cuando el hombre sale de la cárcel regresa para vengarse.
The River Line
France 1944: American pilot Philip Sturgess is shot down but found by a resistance group. In the neighborhood Sturgess meets another American and shortly thereafter the British Major Barton, called “Reiher”. He claims to have fled a German prison camp. Shortly before leaving for Spain to escape the Nazis, Sturgess discovers that Barton has written a letter to Germany. This confirms the suspicion that he could be a German spy…
An Alibi for Death
And So to Bed
Twelve different episodes of erotic relationships are described as examples of modern love substitute.
Gripsholm Castle
Young lovers Kurt and Lydia spend their first vacation together in Sweden at the picturesque Gripsholm Castle. They enjoy their happy days outdoors and in the nature far away from all everyday troubles and have fun with Kurt′s old friend Karl who comes to visit them in their holiday home. But when Lydia′s beautiful friend Billie also joins them shortly after, Lydia senses that Kurt seems to be falling in love with Billie.
Das Unbrauchbare an Anna Winters
A 14-year-old girl is caught while trying to pick a doctor's pocket. The doctor ends up taking her in and turning her into a sophisticated lady, whom he marries off to a wealthy man.
Sacred Waters
Water is a scarce and sometimes dangerous resource in the Swiss Mountain Village. Anytime the wooden pipe is damaged and the supply breaks, one man from the village is determined by "unlucky" draw to take on the life-threatening repairs.
Eine Frau fürs ganze Leben
Liebe auf krummen Beinen
Dorothea Angermann
Dorothea Angermann the daughter of a clergyman is accused of the murder of her husband, a brutal man that she was obliged to marry because she was pregnant and he was the father of the baby.
As Long as the Heart Still Beats
La familia Trapp en América
La historia narra la continuación de los sucesos acontecidos en la película «La familia Trapp» (1956), del mismo director. Los primeros trabajos que tuvo la familia al llegar a América, sobreviviendo como pudieron en tugurios de Nueva York hasta que finalmente lograron crear un nuevo hogar.
Scampolo is a young, poor girl who lives on the island of Ischia. She falls in love with a young architect who hopes to win a design competition. Scampolo intecedes on his behalf with the minister and helps him to make his dream come true.
El Hakim
A young Egyptian doctor leaves his uneducated, dance girl lady friend behind while he focuses on fighting poverty and superstition. Years later, rich and famous, on a trip to Paris he discovers her again, in a night club.
El Zorro de París
En 1944 las tropas aliadas ya han desembarcado en Europa. Francia permanece ocupada por los alemanes que sufren los constantes ataque de la Resistencia y algunos oficiales tratan de impedir el sacrificio inútil de cientos de soldados pasando información procedente del Cuartel General de Berlín a las tropas aliadas. Entre ellos se encuentra el general Quade, que no desea ver como son aniquiladas las divisiones a sus órdenes en el inminente desembarco de Normandía. El capitán Eustenwerth, que actúa como involuntario mensajero de esa información, se enamora de la joven francesa Yvonne y así entra en contacto con la Resistencia. Inesperadamente, los dos idealistas oficiales, cuyos fines no son tan diferentes, se encuentran en ‘bandos’ opuestos.
Bank Vault 713
La Estrella de África
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la superioridad material de los aliados fue decantando paulatinamente la balanza del conflicto a su favor. La contienda en el norte de África dio lugar a cruentos y valientes enfrentamientos donde brilló el heroísmo. Esta película está basada en la historia real de un piloto alemán, Hans-Joachim Marseille, conocido con el sobrenombre de Estrella de África (Stern von Afrika). En enero de 1.941 fue trasladado al Norte de África y el 24 de febrero de 1.942 se le concedió la cruz de caballero de la Cruz de Hierro después de haber logrado 46 derribos. El 1 de septiembre de 1.942 consiguió derribar 17 aviones enemigos en un solo día.
Spy for Germany
The true story of a German agent sent to the USA in 1944 in order to stop the development of the atomic bomb.
Anastasia: the Czar's Last Daughter
In 1920, an unknown 24-year-old woman was fished out of Berlin's Landwehr kanal after a suicide attempt. Since she has no papers and no answers to any questions, they soon assign them to the insane asylum Dallendorf. A co-patient believes she recognizes the Czar's daughter Anastasia Romanowa - who apparently was the only one who survived the murder of the tsar's family in 1918.
Kitty and the Great Big World
An industrialist's wife was killed and now her lover is accused of murder.
Children, Mother, and the General
Laslo Benedek interrupted his thriving Hollywood career to return to Europe as director of the German Kinder, Mutter und ein General (Children, Mother and the General). The film is set in Berlin during the last days of WW II. Desperate for manpower, Hitler has ordered that all able-bodied teenaged boys --some as young as 15 -- be drafted into the army. Frau Asmussen (Hilde Krahl) is one of five mothers who learn to their horror that their boys have been slated to be cannon fodder on behalf of the Third Reich. Asmussen and the other mothers head directly to the front to plead with the German generals for the lives of their sons. Not directly an indictment of Germany's involvement in (or incitement of) the recent war, Kinder, Mutter und ein General stresses the futility and heartbreak of all wars everywhere.
Almirante Canaris
Basada en hechos reales, sobre la figura de Wilhelm Franz Canaris, veterano de las dos Guerras Mundiales conocido con el sobrenombre de El Pequeño Almirante debido a su baja estatura. Con la subida al poder del nazismo, Canaris llega a jefe de inteligencia de la Kriegsmarine y la Wehrmacht. Pero el horror que le produce conocer en primera persona el trato que se les da a los judíos lo lleva a facilitar información incompleta a Hitler y evitar, así, que éste inicie determinadas campañas bélicas. Debido a sus conocimientos de español, Canaris viaja a España para tratar de convencer a Franco de aliarse con Alemania en la Guerra, pero Canaris le aconseja al dictador español que se mantenga al margen
Once I Will Return
A millionaire returns from the United States to his native Dubrovnik.
Weg in die Freiheit
Documentary about young prisoners who are reintroduced to society.
Vater braucht eine Frau
A widowed father advertises for a new maid, but his children secretly seek a woman to be his new wife.
Junge Adler
Director Brakke has good reason to be happy: he has just received the news that his son, Theo, won first place in the local boat race. To be sure, he had forbidden his son to take part in the competition, because the son's grades in school are substandard. In the end, Brakke sees no other way than to pull Theo from school and install him as an apprentice in his airplane manufacturing plant. Although Theo is received by the other 150 apprentices in a friendly fashion, he behaves in an arrogant and disrespectful tone towards them. He feels himself to be better than them, because his father is the director of the factory.