Yannick Freess


La Marginale
Michèle, in her fifties, is homeless and lives at Orly airport where she leads a hard and lonely life. Theo, a mentally handicapped young man, works at the airport and lives with his "Auntie" who has been overprotecting him since he was abandoned by his mother. When Michèle decides to find her son in Lisbon, Theo naively agrees to drive her there, but what she doesn't know is that he only has a car without a license... They then embark on an adventure on the country roads, making us follow people we don't look at, on roads we never take.
In His Shadow
After the death of their father, two half-brothers find themselves on opposite sides of an escalating conflict with tragic consequences.
Astérix y Obélix: El reino medio
Best Boy Grip
Un carro llega a la aldea de Astérix y Obélix, llevando a la emperatriz china Fu Yi. Ella vino a pedir ayuda después de la toma del poder por un tal Deng Tsin Qin, que derrocó a la princesa. Al parecer, la fama de los indomables galos se conoce hasta Shanghai...
Valerian y la ciudad de los mil planetas
Una fuerza oscura amenaza a Alpha, una vasta metrópolis y hogar de especies de mil planetas. Los agentes especiales Valerian y Laureline deben correr para identificar la amenaza y salvaguardar no solo a Alpha, sino al futuro del universo.