Grzegorz Emanuel

Grzegorz Emanuel

Nacimiento : 1965-11-05, Warsaw, Poland


Grzegorz Emanuel


Wyjazd integracyjny
Three guys (John Cena, Tomasz Karolak, John Frycz) and a beautiful girl (Katarzyna Glinka). Their fate will combine the integration leaving the title that is out of control and become a true Recreational apocalypse. The film integrates ensemble acting team - apart from those in an event attended by Katarzyna Figura, Slawomir Orzechowski, Bartlomiej Topa, Grzegorz Halama, Mariusz Czajka, Robert Gonera, Zbigniew Buczkowski, Jaroslaw Jakimowicz and Miroslaw Zbrojewicz and support their comic performances of African, Eskimo, pair of Norwegians and ... Indian team disco. The sum of all kaców just in front of you!
A story about women, set in the present and in 1950s Warsaw. Sabina, a quiet, shy woman who has just turned thirty lacks a man in her life. Her mother knows all about it and tries at all costs to find her daughter a good candidate for a husband. The whole situation is controlled by the grandmother, an eccentric lady with a sharp tongue from whom no secrets can be kept.
General Nil
Generał Nil is a Polish historical film, based on the life of general Emil August Fieldorf, pseudonym "Nil". The film was directed by Ryszard Bugajski and was released in 2009.
The Death of Captain Pilecki
Dowódca warty
Captain Witold Pilecki was a Polish intelligence officer during WWII who volunteered for a Polish resistance operation to get imprisoned in the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in order to gather intelligence and enable the Polish government-in-exile to inform the allies about the ongoing Holocaust in occupied Poland. The film also tells the story of Witold Pilecki’s fate at the hands of the Communist government after the end of WWII. The film is a reconstruction of the trial which took place in Warsaw during the communist regime in Poland. Captain Pilecki described his investigation as more cruel than his stay at Auschwitz.
Army of Valhalla
wiking II
Película basada en la novela de Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski. Polonia, siglo noveno precristiano. Los nativos han vivido en paz durante siglos, tendiendo su tierra y adorando al Dios del sol. Pero cuando el príncipe Popiel, un hombre hambriento de poder, trae su ejército vikingo para establecer un régimen bárbaro y sanguinario de terror, el arquero afamado Ziemowit (Michal Zebrowski), lidera un levantamiento campesino e intenta poner fin a derramamiento de sangre.
El extranjero
Jonathan Look Alike
Jonathan Cold, un agente independiente, recibe el encargo de un hombre misterioso de transportar un paquete desde Francia a Alemania. Aunque Cold ignora qué es lo que está transportando, pronto descubrirá que son muchos los que quieren hacerse con ello. Algo que, por supuesto, él no está dispuesto a consentir.
The Witcher
Adapted from a series of fantasy novels by the polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, The Witcher tells the tale of Geralt, one of a few remaining "witchers" — traveling monster hunters for hire, gifted with unnatural powers.
Michal's Collaborator
Anthropology professor Michal develops two overwhelming obsessions. The first one is a mummified, 3,000 year-old, perfectly preserved body of a shaman he and his colleagues have recently dragged out of a swamp. The second is an enigmatic student he meets by chance at a railway station.
A Time for Witches
Twenty years old prostitute and drug addict, Jola, by chance meets Andrzej, a "railway station gay". They try to stay together, in spite of numerous diffculties. They both are carriers of the HIV virus. At the end of their travels they find themselves in the Red Palace - formerly the recreation centre for Party dignitaries, now a home for AIDS sufferers - which is run by father Jan. In the nearby small town aggression begins to grow again the unwanted guests; the house have been promised to the local people for housing purposes... The lives and fates of Jola, Andrzej, and father Jan become increasingly intertwined with one another...
El invierno en Lisboa
En verano, Jim Biralbo toca la batería con Billy Swann, un músico negro de gran prestigio, en un club de San Sebastián, propiedad de su amigo Floro. Allí conoce a la esposa de un mafioso, que tiene amistades poco recomendables, especialmente un individuo que está implicado en un golpe de estado para acabar con la democracia en Portugal. En busca de la mujer y también de la que puede ser la última actuación de Swann, Jim decide viajar a Lisboa.
Jestřábí moudrost