Richard Cole


The Box
Special Effects
Frank Miller, ladrón profesional, sale en libertad tras cinco años de cárcel. Está decidido a reformarse y abandonar su vida criminal para lo que empieza a trabajar en una cafetería donde conoce a la camarera, Marie. Cuando ambos están empezando a enamorarse, aparece Steve, el ex-marido de Marie. Se traslada a su casa y la obliga a trabajar en su bar de striptease, impidiendo su relación con Frank. Cuando el ex-presidiario decide intervenir, se inicia una pelea entre él y Steve. Marie dispara y mata a su ex. A partir de este momento se verán arrastrados hacia una trama de suspense y terror que los obligará a emprender un peligroso viaje a través de las calles de la ciudad. (FILMAFFINITY)
Steel Frontier
Special Effects
Set in a post-nuclear-holocaust future, this sci-fi western takes place in the frontier city of New Hope, the only place around with a working oil refinery. Ever since a megalomaniac general and his followers took over the place, life has been miserable. Then a stranger, a man-of-few-words, comes to town. A quick-drawing gunslinger, he first joins the conquerors. As time passes, however, it rapidly becomes apparent that he really sides with the townsfolk, and when the time is right, he leads them into a violent uprising.
CIA 2: Carrera hacia la muerte
Special Effects
Un sistema nuclear Top Secret, es robado de una instalación del gobierno. El agente de la CIA Mark y la exterrorista Alexa, que ahora vive una vida tranquila con su hija, deben volver a formar equipo. Planean recuperar el sistema de manos del antiguo amante de Alexa y padre de su hija,el terrorista internacional Franz Kluge.
Special Effects
In the year 2007, crime has risen at an exponential rate. Once highly populated metropolises such as Los Angeles are no longer inhabitable. These cities have transformed into "Hell Zones," ruled by violent street gangs. The Hell Zone, formerly called the "Zone of Personal Freedom," is a safe-haven for criminal warpaths everywhere. This Hell Zone in LA is controlled by a criminal mastermind named Drexal (Joseph Ruskin). For the sake of entertaining his crowds of decadent losers and underlings, Drexal has staged a series of lethal, no-holds-barred matches in the "Death Ring," where the winner takes all of the glory...while the defeated one shall lose his self-respect (or maybe just his head). Meanwhile, two brave cops, Braniff (Chad McQueen), and Sledge (Gary Daniels) must risk their badges...and their lives when they enter Los Angeles's "Hell Zone."