Beth Block


Leaky Mountain
This film began as a visual documentary about a burned and vandalized hilltop when human insult is added to natural injury.
Terminator 2: El juicio final
VFX Production Coordinator
Ha pasado once años desde que Sarah Connor fue marcada como objetivo para ser eliminada por un cyborg del futuro. Ahora su hijo John, el futuro líder de la resistencia, es el objetivo de un Terminator más moderno, más mortífero. Una vez más, la resistencia se las ha ingeniado para enviar un protector de vuelta al pasado para intentar salvar a John y a su madre Sarah.
Film Achers
An optical printer film about film anxiety, cut to the song from Peter Pan, I Wont Grow Up.
Successive Approximations to the Goal
Successive Approximations to the Goal is a term that is used in applied behavior analysis. It refers to the series of slight behavioral changes that are reinforced because they are increasingly more similar to the ultimate objective.
A visual documentary that examines the human body as landscape.