Harry Joe Brown

Nacimiento : 1890-09-22, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Muerte : 1972-04-28


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Harry Joe Brown (September 22, 1890 – April 28, 1972) was an American film producer and supervisor who was also a theatre and film director. Harry Joe Brown was born in 1890 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As a producer, he had a partnership with director Budd Boetticher, actor Randolph Scott and screenwriter Burt Kennedy, which generated a series of five westerns between 1957 and 1960 (The Tall T, Decision at Sundown, Buchanan Rides Alone, Ride Lonesome, Comanche Station) via a company he created with Scott which eventually became known as Ranown Pictures Corp. He produced the American debut films of both Errol Flynn in Captain Blood and Sean Flynn in Son of Captain Blood. Brown directed a number of films, among them Knickerbocker Holiday, Sitting Pretty and Madison Square Garden.


La cabalgada de los malditos
Terminada la guerra de Secesión norteamericana (1861-1865), un grupo de soldados sureños, prisioneros en el fuerte Haukes, logra escapar. De su captura se encargará el mayor Wolcott, que obedece la orden a regañadientes, puesto que, finalizada la contienda, le parece inútil la masacre que se verá obligado a ejecutar. (FILMAFFINITY)
El hijo del capitán Blood
Robert, hijo del famoso Capitán Blood, es un joven inquieto, amante de las aventuras. Arabella, su madre, quiere que estudie, pero él, seducido por las hazañas de su padre, decide embarcarse. Su madre, sirviéndose de un ardid, lo enrola en un barco con destino a Londres para que estudie en la universidad. Durante el viaje conoce a Abby y se enamora de ella. El barco es abordado por unos piratas, cuyo capitán, un antiguo enemigo de su padre, aprovechará la ocasión para hacerle pagar a Robert todo el odio que sentía por su progenitor.
Estación Comanche
Executive Producer
Un hombre rescata a una mujer que ha sido secuestrada por los comanches, a continuación tendrá que luchar para que puedan volver a casa con vida.
Cabalgar en solitario
Executive Producer
Un cazador de recompensas (Randolph Scott) detiene a un joven (James Best) acusado de asesinato. Durante el viaje a la ciudad donde debe ser juzgado, se les une una pareja de pistoleros (Pernell Roberts y James Coburn) y una bella mujer (Karen Steele). Por el camino serán perseguidos no sólo por los indios, sino también por el hermano del detenido (Van Cleef), que trata de liberarlo
Buchanan cabalga de nuevo
Tras servir como mercenario en el ejército mexicano, el aventurero Buchanan cabalga hacia un pueblo llamado "Infierno", famoso por sus expeditivos ahorcamientos y dominado por los hermanos Agry. A uno de éllos lo mata Juan, un joven mexicano, para vengar el honor de su hermana. Buchanan se pone de su parte y ambos son arrestados y condenados a morir en la horca. (FILMAFFINITY)
La caza del asesino
Virginia, una exuberante bailarina, es encerrada en una institución psiquiátrica por un trastorno de estrés postraumático, tras ser atacada por un maníaco. Durante su hospitalización, su psiquiatra se enamora y huye con ella a otra ciudad, haciéndose pasar por su manager mientras ella se convierte en la nueva sensación del local en el que trabaja. Pero poco después, un asesino en serie intenta matarla...
Cita en Sundown
Un tejano que luchó en la Guerra de Secesión (1861-1865) llega a Sundown acompañado de un amigo. Su intención es vengarse de un hombre que resulta ser el terrateniente más rico de la comarca y que está a punto de casarse. (FILMAFFINITY)
Los cautivos
Pat Brennan es un veterano vaquero que ha decidido establecerse por su cuenta en una granja. Un día se cruza con la diligencia que conduce su amigo Ed; en ella viaja el peculiar matrimonio formado por Doretta, hija de un rico hacendado y el antipático Willard. Poco después, un grupo de bandidos ataca la diligencia. Considerada el mejor western de Boetticher.
Brigada de mujeres
Murphy deserta del ejército de la Unión para avisar a unos tejanos de un inminente ataque indio. Se trata de un grupo de mujeres cuyos maridos están luchando con los confederados. Se refugian en una misión abandonada, dispuestos a matar o morir en el asalto...
El Séptimo de Caballería
Tras el desastre de la batalla de Little Big Horn, donde los Sioux y los Cheyennes casi aniquilaron al Séptimo Regimiento de Caballería del general Custer, los supervivientes regresaron al Fuerte Lincoln. Cuando se procedió a la investigación de los hechos, el capitán Tom Benson fue acusado de cobardía. (FILMAFFINITY)
La ciudad sin ley
El alguacil Coleen Wave (Randolph Scott) es un abogado que recorre el territorio de Colorado para acabar con los criminales. Su dedicación al trabajo es tan excesiva que su esposa (Angela Lansbury) lo abandona y le asegura que no volverá con él mientras no deje definitivamente las armas. Pero él está decidido a imponer la ley y el orden en una última ciudad, que está dominada por una banda de pistoleros, dispuestos a todo con tal de que el territorio no se convierta en un estado de la Unión.
Diez forajidos
John Stewart trata de establecer la ley y el orden en su pequeña localidad de Arizona, sin hacer uso de la violencia. Sin embargo, su vecino Wick Campbell no es de la misma opinión, y desea contratar los servicios de un pistolero.
El forastero iba armado
Después de haber sido espía durante la Guerra Civil americana (1861-1865), un tipo llamado Travis se dirige a Arizona, donde tiene previsto cometer un robo con la ayuda de un viejo conocido. Sin embargo, ciertas circunstancias inesperadas lo animan a abandonar su proyecto y comenzar una nueva vida. (FILMAFFINITY)
El único testigo
Una partida de búsqueda y captura de unos forajidos vuelve sin éxito de su expedición. A través de un flashback conoceremos el robo cometido por un padre y sus dos hijos, y cómo un sheriff borrachín se une, sin la complacencia del resto, al grupo que trata de capturarlos.
Los forasteros
El comandante Matt Stewart y un grupo de soldados confederados roban a los soldados de la Unión un cargamento de oro. Después se enteran de que la guerra ha terminado y deciden llevar el oro hacia el Sur. Pero son capturados, aunque Matt consigue salvarse cuando va a ser ahorcado y escapa con el botín. (FILMAFFINITY)
Lucha a muerte
Owen Merritt (Randolph Scoth) es un hombre de pocas palabras, extraordinaria puntería y principios firmes, que ha de tragarse su orgullo cuando la mujer a la que ama se casa con otro por dinero. Pero cuando el marido, celoso, jura destrozar el rancho de Merrit, éste tendrá que defenderse.
The Lady and the Bandit
Highwayman Dick Turpin rides 200 miles to save his wife from the gallows in 18th-century England.
Santa Fe
Britt Canfield (Randolph Scott) y sus hermanos se vieron despojados de la plantación familiar en Virginia por culpa de unos políticos corruptos. Britt no tiene más remedio que empezar de nuevo y acepta un puesto de trabajo en el ferrocarril de Santa Fe, que están construyendo los yanquis. Como capataz contrata indios, tahúres, viudas de guerra sedientas de venganza y, lo que es peor, a sus tres hermanos, que odian a muerte a los yanquis y que no se detendrán ante nada con tal de impedir que se acaben las obras del ferrocarril, aunque ello implique enfrentarse a su hermano mayor. (FILMAFFINITY)
Diligencia a Tucson
Grif Holbrook y su ayudante, Barney Broderick, encargados de la investigación de una serie de secuestros de diligencias han seguido la pista a Jim Maroon, un forajido que ha estado vendiendo los carros a los confederados.
La Fortuna del Capitán Blood
El capitán Blood, un médico irlandés convertido en pirata y que luchó contra la flota española, regresa a la isla de El hacha para liberar a sus compañeros, que fueron hechos prisioneros y esclavizados por el marqués de Rinconete.
Un U.S. Marshall intenta recuperar un cargamento de oro robado. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Doolins of Oklahoma
When the Daltons are killed at Coffeyville, gang member Bill Doolin, arriving late, escapes but kills a man. Now wanted for murder, he becomes the leader of the Doolin gang. He eventually leaves the gang and tries to start a new life under a new name, but the old gang members appear and his true identity becomes known. Once again he becomes an outlaw trying to escape from the law.
The Walking Hills
A study in greed in which treasure hunters seek a shipment of gold buried in Death Valley.
The Untamed Breed
A cowboy sets out to capture an escaped Brahma bull that is terrorizing local ranchers. Based on a story by Eli Colter that appeared in The Saturday Evening Post.
Coronel Creek
Tras el asalto a una diligencia por parte de un grupo de indios, acción en la que muere una joven, su novio, Chris Denning decide vengar su muerte persiguiendo sin tregua al instigador de ese ataque, un individuo llamado Younger Miles que buscaba apoderarse de la nómina de pago al ejército, que se transportaba en la diligencia. Chris busca venganza y sigue su rastro durante meses. Miles ahora es rico gracias al dinero robado, pero sigue siendo un mal tipo que intenta forzar a un ranchero honesto. Chris consigue llegar y enfrentarse al bandido.
Un pistolero llamado Brazos Kane hace la promesa de no volver a utilizar más las armas y decide marchar a trabajar a un rancho, sin embargo varios sucesos pondrán en peligro su promesa.
I'm a Civilian Here Myself
A comic training film designed to help sailors readjust to civilain life after World War II.
Knickerbocker Holiday
The wild and woolly early days of New York -- when it was still known as New Amsterdam -- provide the backdrop for this period musical-comedy. In 1650, Peter Stuyvesant (Charles Coburn) arrives in New Amsterdam to assume his duties as governor. Stuyvesant is hardly the fun-loving type, and one of his first official acts is to call for the death of Brom Broeck (Nelson Eddy), a newspaper publisher well-known for his fearless exposes of police and government corruption. However, Broeck hasn't done anything that would justify the death penalty, so Stuyvesant waits (without much patience) for Broeck to step out of line. Broeck is romancing a beautiful woman named Tina Tienhoven (Constance Dowling), whose sister Ulda (Shelley Winters) happens to be dating his best friend, Ten Pin (Johnnie "Scat" Davis). After Stuyvesant's men toss Broeck in jail on a trumped-up charge, Stuyvesant sets his sights on winning Tina's affections.
Knickerbocker Holiday
The wild and woolly early days of New York -- when it was still known as New Amsterdam -- provide the backdrop for this period musical-comedy. In 1650, Peter Stuyvesant (Charles Coburn) arrives in New Amsterdam to assume his duties as governor. Stuyvesant is hardly the fun-loving type, and one of his first official acts is to call for the death of Brom Broeck (Nelson Eddy), a newspaper publisher well-known for his fearless exposes of police and government corruption. However, Broeck hasn't done anything that would justify the death penalty, so Stuyvesant waits (without much patience) for Broeck to step out of line. Broeck is romancing a beautiful woman named Tina Tienhoven (Constance Dowling), whose sister Ulda (Shelley Winters) happens to be dating his best friend, Ten Pin (Johnnie "Scat" Davis). After Stuyvesant's men toss Broeck in jail on a trumped-up charge, Stuyvesant sets his sights on winning Tina's affections.
Los desesperados
Un antiguo convicto que intenta salir adelante es acusado erroneamente de robar un banco, delito que ha cometido la banda a la que había pertenecido en el pasado. Su amigo, el sheriff, lo saca de la prisión y entre los dos intentan ir tras los verdaderos atracadores.
Vidas sin rumbo
En la década de 1890, el leñador John abandona Seattle para marcharse a Alaska en búsqueda de oro. Tras casarse con Sally, descubrirá que ella siempre estuvo enamorada de su mejor amigo, Blackie.
Moon Over Miami
After losing nearly all of an inheritance to taxes, sisters Kay (Betty Grable) and Barbara Latimer (Carole Landis), waitresses at a drive-in restaurant in Texas, scheme to find rich husbands. With the aid of their aunt Susan (Charlotte Greenwood), the sisters take the last of their money and head to a well-known Miami resort where they soon meet two wealthy young men, Phil (Don Ameche) and Jeff (Robert Cummings), who begin a fierce rivalry for Kay, not realizing that Barbara has fallen in love with one of them.
Espíritu de conquista
Associate Producer
Edward Creighton, ingeniero de la compañía telegráfica Western Union, se encarga de dirigir la instalación de una línea a través de los territorios del Oeste. Ayudado por su hermana Sue, recluta a los trabajadores en los pueblos más cercanos. Pero, como la región es peligrosa y está infestada de indios, la empresa tiene que ofrecer sueldos elevados para contratar al personal.
Young People
Los padres de Wendy Ballantine deciden retirarse del negocio del espectáculo para que pueda tener una vida normal. No son bienvenidos en la pequeña ciudad hasta que una tormenta le permite a la familia mostrar sus cosas.
Johnny Apollo
Associate Producer
Un corredor de bolsa de Wall Street es encarcelado por desfalco. Su hijo, recién licenciado en la universidad, intenta conseguir trabajo para pagar la fianza. Sin embargo, debido a la reputación de su padre, es rechazado en todas partes. Dadas las circunstancias, acaba entrando en una banda mafiosa y llega a ser la mano derecha de un poderoso gángster.
The Gorilla
Associate Producer
When an escaped circus gorilla appears to have gone on a murderous rampage, a threatened attorney calls on the detective trio of Garrity, Harrigan and Mullivan to act as bodyguards. In short order, we discover that there is more to the attorney than meets the eye, and the ape may be innocent after all. When a pretty young heiress faces peril, it's up to our heroic trio to save the day.
Tail Spin
Associate Producer
Trixie is a female pilot looking to win a big race to advance her career. During one race, however, her plane becomes damaged, and she needs help to repair it. She meets a Navy pilot named "Tex" Price and tries to gain his aid. Tex soon meets another pilot, Gerry, a novice who seeks to win an important upcoming race. Tex, concerned for Gerry's safety, tries to convince her not to race. But Gerry, now a rival of Trixie's, is determined to fly.
Es amor lo que busco
Los célebres actores teatrales Basil Underwood y Joyce Arden son socios en escena y fuera de ella. Un gaje del oficio de Basil es que las mujeres a menudo se enamoran de él cuando sale a las tablas... y que él a veces se deja adorar. La vida de Basil y Joyce es apasionada y tempestuosa, caracterizada por disputas y simulaciones constantes, que suelen continuar en escena, mascullando por lo bajo. Tras su última pelea y reconciliación, finalmente han decidido casarse por duodécima y definitiva vez... ¿Pero será la última?
Otro amanecer
Associate Producer
El Coronel John Wister (Ian Hunter), destacado en el desierto de Dubik con el ejército británico, retorna a su Inglaterra natal. Allí se enamorará de Julia Ashton (Kay Francis), que cuidará de él pero se ve incapaz de amarle al tener reciente la muerte de su prometido. Wister la convence para casarse, pero al retornar a Dubik conocerá al Capitán Denny Roark (Errol Flynn), quién despertará en ella todo el amor que no ha podido ofrecer a su marido. El inicio de la guerra con las tribus locales, y la consciencia de Wister del romance entre su mujer y su mejor amigo, hará que se avecine la tragedia.
El capitán Blood
Inglaterra, siglo XVII. Bajo el reinado de Jacobo I, primer monarca de la dinastía de los Estuardo, son constantes los enfrentamientos entre la Corona y el Parlamento. El doctor Peter Blood, un hombre entregado por entero a sus pacientes, vive al margen de los problemas políticos. Pero su actitud cambia cuando, injustamente acusado de traición, es enviado como esclavo a las Indias Occidentales. Dotado de una gran habilidad y astucia, consigue escapar y se convierte en el temible pirata Capitán Blood.
The Case of the Curious Bride
Durante sus vacaciones en China, Perry Mason se encuentra con Rhoda, una antigua amiga que lo busca para que la ayude a esclarecer un caso. Moxley, su marido, que se supone que había muerto hace cuatro años, resulta que está vivo y le pide dinero. El caso se complica cuando la policía encuentra a Moxley muerto, pues ella se convierte en la principal sospechosa.
Maybe It's Love
Director William C. McGann's 1935 film stars Gloria Stuart and Ross Alexander as a young couple in love who face economic woes once they're wed.
Girl without a Room
Associate Producer
In this comedy, a Tennessee art school student wins a scholarship to paint in Paris. He is thrilled until he arrives and discovers that his style is hopelessly passe and is considered trashy. The enterprising artist immediately changes style and begins painting highly-abstract moderns.
Sitting Pretty
Jack Oakie and Jack Haley are songwriters are enroute from New York to Hollywood to make their fame and fortune; Ginger Rogers, a lunchwagon proprieter, joins them.
I Love That Man
Innocent Nancy Carroll falls in love with con man Edmund Lowe and the pair swindle their way across the country until they decide to settle down in a small town and give up their life of crime. He goes into business and all seems to be going well until some ex-partners he double crossed show up in town demanding the money he cheated them out of.
The Billion Dollar Scandal
An ex-convict working for a wealthy oil baron uncovers trouble while his brother becomes involved with the boss's daughter.
The Devil Is Driving
Associate Producer
Gabby Denton, a hard-drinking, down-on-his-luck drifter, seems to get a chance at redemption when his brother-in-law helps get him a job as a mechanic. Not realizing the garage he works for is actually a front for a stolen car ring, Gabby soon finds himself mixed up in both murder and a liaison with the boss's girl.
Madison Square Garden
Eddie Burke ( Jack Oakie) is a wise-guy pugilist whose talent is unevenly matched by his ego. Despite his character flaws, Eddie knows the meaning of loyalty. When his manager Doc Williams (William Collier Sr.) is offered the opportunity to stage a match at Madison Square Garden, but only if he gets rid of his stable of fighters, Eddie fabricates an alibi and stages a walkout on Doc.
70,000 Witnesses
Associate Producer
College football player is asked to dope a star teammate by his crooked gambler brother. He refuses, but they player is doped anyway and collapses and dies. A detective has the whole game re-enacted to find important clues.
Hold 'Em Jail
Associate Producer
Two yokels are framed and sent to prison, but wind up playing football on the warden's championship team.
¡Mira como tiemblo!
Associate Producer
Poster escribe una columna de chismes para el Morning Gazette. Él escribirá sobre cualquiera y todos, siempre y cuando obtenga el rédito. Obtiene la mayor parte de su información de su chica, Peggy, que es una corista.
Westward Passage
Associate Producer
A struggling writer divorces his wife to pursue his career without interference, but they meet in Europe years later after she has remarried.
Young Bride
Associate Producer
Una bibliotecaria tímida e ingenua de Nueva York debe volverse más fuerte y más sabia después de descubrir que su nuevo esposo es un mentiroso, un tramposo y un fraude.
Una mujer con pasado
Associate Producer
Una chica rica de la alta sociedad neoyorkina con fama de aburrida se da cuenta de que se es mucho más popular entre los hombres cuando se pretende ser una chica "mala". De viaje en París conoce a Guy, un joven americano arruinado que le ayudará a inventarse esa "mala" fama para llamar la atención de la sociedad en la que se mueve y en particular la de su amado Donnie.
A Woman Commands
Associate Producer
In order to keep his lover, Maria Draga, in luxury, Captain Alex Pastitsch contracts huge debts which threaten his military career. To save Alex's career, his superior officer, Colonel Strádimirovitsch has an idea of how to fix it.
El optimista
Associate Producer
Un humilde empleado de hotel es engañado por unos estafadores para que compre unos terrenos pantanosos, que al final valen una fortuna.
Suicide Fleet
Associate Producer
Three US sailors aboard a decoy ship fight German U-boats in World War I and try to win Sally who works on the Coney Island midway.
The Tip-Off
Associate Producer
A young radio repairman becomes involved with gangsters and one of their girlfriends when he repairs their radio.
The Big Gamble
Associate Producer
A gambler, hopelessly in debt, agrees to pay off his debt by allowing his creditor to take out a life insurance policy on him and collecting once the one-year suicide clause has elapsed.
Associate Producer
A popular jockey is disbarred from racing after he's accused of throwing a race.
A Woman of Experience
It is 1915 in Vienna and the Great War has caused many casualties. Elsa, a beautiful prostitute, wants to help the war effort, but is rejected as a nurse, but a government official thinks that she will make an excellent spy.
The Squealer
A gangster's wife, fearful that he is about to be murdered by his rivals, tips off the police to his whereabouts in order to save his life. Her husband, however, believes her reason was that she wanted him out of the way so she could have his best friend.
Sons of the Saddle
Jim Brandon, foreman of the Wind River Ranch, owned by Martin Stavnow, is in love with Ronnie, the rancher's daughter, though he is unaware that Harvey, a youthful cowhand, also loves her. Thus, Jim asks the boy, whom he protects like a brother, to speak for him. When he is spurned by Ronnie, Harvey decides to join Red Slade's gang, who are plotting a raid on the Wind River herd. As Jim forcibly attempts to separate him from the gang, Harvey is killed; and through the aid of his horse, Tarzan, Jim foils Slade's attempt to stampede the herd. Slade takes refuge in a wagon where Ronnie is hiding; Jim rescues Ronnie from the wagon just before the runaway team plunges over a cliff with Slade riding to his doom.
Song of the Caballero
Production Supervisor
After El Lobo robs Don Jose he gives one of the stolen items to Conchita. Later when he saves Anita in a runaway coach, Don Pedro invites him to the wedding of Anita and his son Don Jose. But Conchita is at the wedding and recognizes him putting his life in danger.
Song of the Caballero
After El Lobo robs Don Jose he gives one of the stolen items to Conchita. Later when he saves Anita in a runaway coach, Don Pedro invites him to the wedding of Anita and his son Don Jose. But Conchita is at the wedding and recognizes him putting his life in danger.
Mountain Justice
In the Kentucky mountains, Ken McTavish comes to Kettle Creek looking for the killer of his father. When he learns that it was Abner Harland, he fakes the killing of his friend Rusty, puts Abner in a coffin, and takes off. Lem Harland, seeing Rusty alive, realizes what happened and the chase is on.
Mountain Justice
In the Kentucky mountains, Ken McTavish comes to Kettle Creek looking for the killer of his father. When he learns that it was Abner Harland, he fakes the killing of his friend Rusty, puts Abner in a coffin, and takes off. Lem Harland, seeing Rusty alive, realizes what happened and the chase is on.
The Fighting Legion
After being shot, a dying Marshal Dawson gives Dave Hayes his badge and asks him to finish his job. Dave becomes Marshal but when Bowie, the man that shot Dawson appears, he exposes Dave as an imposter. Dave is then in trouble when Edwards incites the mob to lynch him.
Lucky Larkin
Colonel Lee, a homesteader, is the object of terrorists who want to drive him off the range so that his horses cannot be entered in the county races, and he refuses an offer of Martin Brierson to buy him out. Pete, Brierson's brother, in hiding because of his criminal record, burns the colonel's barn and injures his horses. Convinced of Brierson's responsibility for the terror tactics, "Lucky" Larkin plans to ride Tarzan, the colonel's pet colt. Brierson does his best to disqualify the horse, but Larkin tricks him and wins the race. Larkin captures Pete and forces him to confess. The Brierson brothers are brought to justice, and Larkin wins Emmy Lou, a homesteader's daughter.
Parade of the West
Bud Rand, a cowboy who is charged with the care of Little Billy Rand, accepts an offer to appear with Copeland's Wild West Show to ride a horse called "Mankiller." Dude, Copeland's righthand man, resents Bud's attentions to Mary, one of the performers, and when they fight it out, Bud is the victor. In revenge Dude loosens the cinch on the horse.....
Señor Americano
A U.S. soldier goes after bandits in California, although it is still owned by Mexico.
The Wagon Master
Bill Hollister (Jack Hanlon) organizes a wagon train to break the unfair monopoly held by Jake Lynch (Tom Santschi) on food prices in the mining camps. The Rambler (Ken Maynard) joins the train when it leaves for Gold Hill, and takes command when Hollister is killed from ambush. Jacques Frazelle (Al Ferguson) schemes to get rid of The Rambler and win Sue Smith (Edith Roberts). He plots with Lynch to disrupt the train, but The Rambler beats him in a whip-fight...
The Wagon Master
Bill Hollister (Jack Hanlon) organizes a wagon train to break the unfair monopoly held by Jake Lynch (Tom Santschi) on food prices in the mining camps. The Rambler (Ken Maynard) joins the train when it leaves for Gold Hill, and takes command when Hollister is killed from ambush. Jacques Frazelle (Al Ferguson) schemes to get rid of The Rambler and win Sue Smith (Edith Roberts). He plots with Lynch to disrupt the train, but The Rambler beats him in a whip-fight...
The Lawless Legion
Cal Stanley goes undercover as a beef buyer in order to catch the gang responsible for stealing the area's cattle.
The Royal Rider
Dick Scott takes his Wild West show to the Balkan kingdom of Alvania where the boy king of the country commands the troupe to give a performance. The king is greatly impressed with the American cowboys and makes them his palace guard. The prime minister starts a revolution, and Dick and the Americans put it down. The boy king sanctions a romance between Scott and Ruth Elliott, the royal governess.
The Glorious Trail
After a work crew stringing telegraph wires across the Great Plains is slaughtered by Indians, Pat O'Leary, the company superintendent, must take out another supply train to make the dangerous trip across open country. The Indians attack and are driven off. On the day the wires are finally strung, the settlers gather to hear the first message from the East.
The Code of the Scarlet
Assigned to catch a gang of outlaws, officers Bruce Kenton (Maynard) and Paddy Halloran (Edwin Brady) rescue Helen Morgan (Gladys McConnell) when her wagon is attacked by the very same gang. Through a ruse, Kenton manages to infiltrate the gang, which is holed up in the lawless community of Caribou Flats. While in the employ of villainous trading post operator Jack Blake (J.P. McGowan), Kenton discovers that Blake is not only the leader of the gang but also the man who murdered Helen's brother (Robert Walker).
The Wagon Show
Colonel Beldan runs a Wild West show. When Beldan's star attraction switches to his unscrupulous competitor Vicarino, the young Bob Mason takes the opportunity to take over the job with his horse 'Tarzan'.
Gun Gospel
Associate Producer
From Death Valley in the Mojave Desert to Mount Whittier, the outlaw gangs are wreaking havoc on the gold and money shipments from the mines and ranches. Wells Fargo organizes an express service that will insure the shipments and ensure a guaranteed delivery. Granger Hume is hired to help Wells-Fargo deliver on their promise.
Gun Gospel
From Death Valley in the Mojave Desert to Mount Whittier, the outlaw gangs are wreaking havoc on the gold and money shipments from the mines and ranches. Wells Fargo organizes an express service that will insure the shipments and ensure a guaranteed delivery. Granger Hume is hired to help Wells-Fargo deliver on their promise.
The Red Raiders
Lone wolf, who is stirring up the Indians against the wishes of his elders, gets the job of scout at the fort. When he hears of the approval of the new reservation, he sends his men to trap Scott and his troop before they can deliver the information.
The Royal American
Story of a young shanghaied sailor. Forced to work as a deckhand on a rough-and-tumble transport vessel, the sailor ends up in South America, where his brutish captain intends to sell guns and ammo to a band of revolutionaries. Besting the villains, Jack gets into the thick of things himself, ultimately rescuing the heroine -- likewise "shanghaied" by the captain -- from Certain Doom.
The Land Beyond the Law
Deputy Marshal Jerry Steele (Ken Maynard) heads off to Oklahoma where a gang of nasty cattle rustlers is terrorizing the local ranchers. After a bit of detective work -- greatly aided by a motley group of would-be outlaws deputized for the occasion -- Steele unmasks a supposedly upstanding citizen Bob Crew (Tom Santschi) as the leader of the rustlers.
Rapid Fire Romance
Former boxer Billy Sullivan as Tommy Oliver, a young fighter who joins a gang of crooks in order to save Marjorie Bonner, the innocent girlfriend of gang leader Johnny Sinclair.
Racing Romance
The fathers of Isabel Channing and Howard Billings were good friends until they had a falling-out over a horse and swore to be enemies forever. Years later, Howard is seen returning from college and Isabel, who has lost her,is working hard to keep the old homestead (and stables) together. Thornhill is trying his best to cheat her out of everything. Howard takes a hand.
Ridin' the Wind
1920's cowboy superstar Fred Thomson stars in this western comedy adventure.
The Fighting Smile
A cowboy who has been away from home for a long time returns, only to find that the area he grew up in has been taken over by a vicious gang of cattle rustlers--and that his closest friend from boyhood is one of them.
Esposas frívolas
Lighting Technician
Un vividor se hace pasar en Montecarlo por un respetable conde ruso, e intenta seducir a una distinguida dama norteamericana que pasa sus vacaciones con su marido, un destacado diplomático. Jean Renoir declaró que ver esta película fue determinante en su futura carrera como cineasta.