Krzysztof Zarzecki

Krzysztof Zarzecki


Krzysztof Zarzecki


typ Krzyś
Una promesa del rap con un pasado delictivo decide vender droga para saldar su deuda con el estudio de grabación. Pero su arriesgado plan podría costarle muy caro.
Everyone Knows Better
"Everyone Knows Better" is an original comedy, reminiscent of the best New York tradition of independent cinema, dominated by warm relations and close intimacy with the characters. It tells about the adventures of a couple who try to put together one family from two different worlds. Other people's children, ex-spouses, pushy grandparents. Will Ania and Grzesiek survive the invasion of their families who are trying to fight the relationship of their adult children?
There Is No Peace of Mind
Jacek - a middle-aged man, uses the services of a company that transforms people into trees. The process of his transformation is supervised by Doctor Buk and therapist Melisa, who make sure that he is fully aware of the consequences and that his decision is not accidental.
Mika arrives in Poland to pay a hospital visit to her father, who is suffering from severe brain injury and memory loss. It's the first time they have met in many years, yet her father thinks they still live together and she's a teenager. For a brief time Mika becomes her father's companion in his befuddlement gently guiding him through the labyrinth of his fading mind. And as she does so, she sets off on a journey through her own life.
La cinta blanca
Foreign Harvester
En 1913, en vísperas de la Gran Guerra (1914-1918), extraños acontecimientos, que poco a poco toman carácter de castigo ritual, se dan cita en un pequeño pueblo protestante del norte de Alemania. Los niños y adolescentes del coro del colegio y de la iglesia dirigido por el maestro, sus familias, el barón, el encargado, el médico, la comadrona, y los granjeros conforman una historia que reflexiona sobre los orígenes del nazismo en vísperas de la I Guerra Mundial.
Army of Valhalla
Película basada en la novela de Jozef Ignacy Kraszewski. Polonia, siglo noveno precristiano. Los nativos han vivido en paz durante siglos, tendiendo su tierra y adorando al Dios del sol. Pero cuando el príncipe Popiel, un hombre hambriento de poder, trae su ejército vikingo para establecer un régimen bárbaro y sanguinario de terror, el arquero afamado Ziemowit (Michal Zebrowski), lidera un levantamiento campesino e intenta poner fin a derramamiento de sangre.