Karen Sollihaug


Thomas vs. Thomas (A Sensational Theory Regarding an Insignificant Life in the Multiverse)
Set Propsman
A quantum physicist is about to have the breakthrough of the century, but as he closes in on his goal, versions of him from parallel realities force him to untangle the mystery of his own existence; how to be a present father for his son.
Nothing to Laugh About
Second Assistant Director
Kasper Berntsen es un cómico de éxito, que tiene todo lo que podría desear. Un día todo cambia. Se entera de que tiene una enfermedad grave, y su novia le deja. La estrella emergente de Kasper como cómico cobra nueva vida al utilizar el humor como fuerza desarmante y liberadora. Descubre nuevas facetas de sí mismo y, sobre todo, lo más importante de la vida.
The Veiled
As a daughter grinds away as caretaker for her father she discovers some memories are best left hidden under the veil of dementia.