Byron A. Martin

Nacimiento : 1963-02-16, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


Deseo de Navidad
Supervising Producer
Decidida a honrar el último deseo de su tío abuelo, una ejecutiva de mercadeo llega de Nueva York y hace equipo con un guapo granjero para salvar el festival navideño local.
The Great Christmas Switch
Supervising Producer
In an effort to get away from their problems for a little while during a particularly stressful holiday season, identical twins, Sophia, a single girl in the city with a demanding boss, and Kaelynn, a single mother of two in the Midwest, decide to switch places for Christmas.
The Great Christmas Switch
Executive Producer
In an effort to get away from their problems for a little while during a particularly stressful holiday season, identical twins, Sophia, a single girl in the city with a demanding boss, and Kaelynn, a single mother of two in the Midwest, decide to switch places for Christmas.
Crossword Mysteries: Abracadaver
Supervising Producer
During her birthday celebration, Tess and Logan find themselves swept up in a world that isn't always what it seems when the headlining magician at the Magic Manor winds up dead.
Crossword Mysteries: Proposing Murder
Unit Production Manager
When an old friend of New York Sentinel Crosswords editor Tess Harper is found murdered on the very day her puzzle includes his proposal of marriage, Tess unofficially teams up with Detective Logan O’Connor to find the killer.
Crossword Mysteries: Proposing Murder
Supervising Producer
When an old friend of New York Sentinel Crosswords editor Tess Harper is found murdered on the very day her puzzle includes his proposal of marriage, Tess unofficially teams up with Detective Logan O’Connor to find the killer.
He's Out There
Production Supervisor
De vacaciones en una remota casa en el lago, una madre y sus dos hijas pequeñas deben luchar por sobrevivir después de caer en una pesadilla aterradora y extraña concebida por un psicópata.
Amor, por supuesto
Amy está ayudando a su hija a establecerse en la universidad y consigue un trabajo para ayudar con el Festival anual de la cosecha de otoño.
Stegman is Dead
In this crime comedy, bizarre assassins must come together to unravel the puzzle of Stegman's blackmail secret, and why he's already dead on the set of his own porn film.
Wild Cherry
A virginal high school senior decides to get revenge on her jock boyfriend when she discovers he's only dating her in hopes that she'll end up in his team's "bang book."
American Pie presenta: Fraternidad Beta
Erik, Ryan, y Cooze comienzan la universidad e ingresan en la Fraternidad Beta, presidida por el legendario Dwight Stifler. Pero el problema comienza cuando una fraternidad de chiflados amenaza con poner fin al libertinaje y la Fraternidad Beta tiene que reivindicar su derecho a la fiesta.
La tierra de los muertos vivientes
Unit Production Manager
En el mundo actual, los muertos vivientes ocupan una tierra desértica mientras intentan llevar una vida normal a las afueras de una ciudad fortificada. Un día se rebelan y deciden atacar la urbe.
Location Manager
En un futuro cercano, la humanidad comienza a ver aparecer una nueva raza; los mutantes. Dotados de extraños y variados poderes, están agrupados en dos bandos: los que abogan por la integración y el entendimiento con la humanidad, encabezados por el doctor Charles Xavier, y los que buscan el enfrentamiento con una raza que consideran inferior y que les odia, dirigidos por Magnus, alias Magneto, un peligroso mutante con extraordinarios poderes.
Bear Season
An adolescent boy lives in Detroit after World War II with his Polish immigrant mother Olona and his late father's brother Izzy, a former soldier. Izzy likes to tell Chester stories of his father's military days, especially about he served alongside Wojtek, a legendary soldier bear. Chester is the only one who believes the tales and his unwavering faith sets him off on a road trip to uncover the truth and confirm Wojtek's existence.