Florence Regina

Florence Regina

Nacimiento : 1960-08-20,


Florence Regina


Nurse Chapel
Gothic horror meets industrial-strength cleaning products in this spine-tingler about a pill-popping cleaning service employee and a sprawling mansion with secrets of its own.
A Woman's Scorn
"A Woman's Scorn" follows Julie Pepper, a victim of the worst kind of domestic abuse by her boyfriend. It is now 12 months after the attack which the police never bothered to pursue and Julie is not a happy girl. While working at a pizza parlor she meets Bobby, the new pizza chef. They immediately form an attraction for each other but she is still damaged goods. She tells Bobby of her horrible past and he suggests that since the police didn't help, he will! With his help, she takes her revenge but then discovers that she likes killing as much as sex. They use killing as an aphrodisiac and become serial killers. With police detectives Harris and Ment close on their trail they will be able to stop Julie and Bobby before they kill again.
Toda la verdad
Claire Kubik (Ashley Judd) es una dinámica abogada de éxito, casada con un contratista, Tom Kubik (Jim Caviziel). Ambos viven en la idílica Marin County, y están muy enamorados, tanto que piensa en ampliar la familia. Una noche, unos ladrones entran en su casa, y a partir de ese momento se suceden una serie de extraños hechos que romperán su vida en pedazos. Poco después del robo, les abordan unos agentes del FBI, y arrestan a Tom en plena calle ante la mirada de Claire. Le acusan de haber asesinado a sangre fría, bajo su verdadero nombre, Ronald Chapman, y su verdadera identidad, militar de operaciones especiales, a nueve civiles en El Salvador en el transcurso de una operación.