Mike Kemp


Don Quijote
Alonso Quijano es un hidalgo campesino que, trastornado por la lectura de las novelas de caballería, se convierte en el caballero andante Don Quijote de La Mancha. Acompañado de su escudero Sancho Panza, emprenderá las más disparatadas y fantásticas aventuras para ganarse la admiración y el amor de su dama Dulcinea del Toboso.
The Falklands Factor
Press Gang
Is there nothing new under the sun? 1770. The South Atlantic. A fleet sets sail from Buenos Aires to expel the British forces and reconquer the Falkland Islands. A major international crisis explodes. What follows may sound strangely familiar, but is firmly based on the historical record and the actual speeches and writings of the time.
The Knowledge
Four men attempt "The Knowledge" examination to qualify as London taxi drivers.