A young girl named Oichi is abandoned by her mother and blinded by a lightning strike. When her guardian is killed, she learns to wield a sword from a traveling ronin. As she develops into a master swordsman, her profession becomes that of a bounty hunter. Many test her sword and many die by her skills. She travels throughout the countryside to seek her mother and her revenge.
Follower (Young Man)
Adapted from the Seicho Matsumoto story "Tazutazushi". Ryohei Suzuki, a manager at a travel company, is married to his superior's daughter, but tires of their authority over his life. A chance encounter with Yukiko Hirai one rainy night brings a new romance into Ryohei's life, and he and Yukiko fall deeply in love. Yukiko, however, reveals that she has a violent husband in prison - with only a week left until his release. Ryohei, desperate to maintain his social standing, brings Yukiko to the mountains in Nagano and sets in motion an unthinkable, tragic chain of events.
Establecido durante los últimos días del Período Tokugawa (Edo), Moeyo-ken cuenta la historia de Hijikata Toshizo y Shinsengumi. Hijikata Toshizo es un samurai ansioso por poner a prueba sus habilidades y su espada y hacer su primera matanza. El dojo al que pertenece practica el estilo Tennen Rishin y lo enseña a los agricultores. No considerados samuráis reales por otros dojos, reciben un pedido de duelo de un dojo rival que practica el estilo Kogen Itto. Sohaku Rokusha, un maestro allí, los desafía y pelea con Hijikata Toshizo. El resultado de la pelea crea una animosidad mortal entre ellos que dura a través de las edades. Película basada en una novela del autor Japonés, Ryōtarō Shiba.