Lucy Hornak


Cuatro bodas y un funeral
Married Woman - Wedding Three
Charles y sus amigos, todos ellos solteros y sin compromiso, han llegado a una edad en la que casi todos sus conocidos se han casado. En una de las bodas, a la que el grupo ha sido invitado, Charles conoce a Carrie, una americana de la que se enamora a primera vista. Esa noche la pasan juntos, pero no vuelven a verse. Tendrán que esperar a la siguiente boda, en la que Carrie le presenta a su prometido.
Unmasked Part 25
Jackson is a lonely serial killer who is really beginning to question the point of all his killing. He is losing focus on why he started to kill in the first place. The future looks bleak until he meets a blind girl, Shelly, who begins to show him that life isn't so bad. It is all up to Jackson to decide if he's going to stop killing and start learning responsibility and think about finding a real job and starting a family.
El cuarto frío
Una joven siente una presencia extraña en la habitación de un hotel en Berlín, donde reside junto a su padre, a quien llevaba muchos años sin ver.
A Flame to the Phoenix
Lydia Korowicka
A countess and her military sons prepare for the German invasion of Poland in 1939 as World War II begins.
Those Glory Glory Days
Plummy Girl
Girls growing up in 1960-61 London develop a passion for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club, the first British team in the 20th century to win the English league and FA Cup "double". Twenty years later, one of the girls tracks down players of the '60-'61 Spurs for a documentary.
Nunca digas nunca jamás
Nurse at Shrublands
La temible organización criminal Spectra ha ideado un ingenioso plan que le permite conseguir dos proyectiles nucleares, los cuales harán estallar si el gobierno no cede a su chantaje. El agente 007 se encargará del caso.
Life After Death
"We were so close, we loved each other, we made a whole together. I feel cut in half." Meg struggles with the sudden death of her husband.