Susana Moody


La venganza de una mujer
Adaptación libre y cinematográfica de uno de los cuentos más famosos del francés Barbey d´Aureville (1808-1889), incluido en el libro Les Diaboliques. Roberto es uno de esos hombres para los que la simulación es todo un arte. Para unos, se trata de un caballero refinado; para otros un libertino. En cualquier caso, Roberto es un hombre sumido en el más profundo de los aburrimientos, ya que ha agotado y satisfecho todos los placeres de la vida. Hasta que conoce a una cortesana que le introduce en una historia de amor verdadero, pero también de pasados imperfectos.
Praise Band: The Movie
Production Accountant
Imagine The Monkees meet modern praise and worship music. Add a dash of realism and drama, and you've got Praise Band. The funny, yet touching story of one band's efforts in a small town church. Through their growing music ministry, the band not only reaches out to their community, but also grows in their own individual walk with God. Matt Young, the new worship leader, is hired by Pastor James Monroe to serve Crossroad Community Church. However, these young church leaders meet with much opposition from members of their congregation who still cling to traditional roots. Led by church treasurer Wayne Wilson, the congregation resist the idea of change and this new style of worship. Can Matt, along with band mates Mark Lewis, Luke Daniels and John Collins change the minds of this dwindling flock before it is too late? Praise Band - on Wednesday night they're an average band, but on Sunday morning they're praising God!
Un actor recita pasajes de Hermann Hesse y otros autores (incluyendo a la poetisa Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen), mientras - en una suerte de collage formal - se suceden citas pictóricas y musicales.