Eadaoin O’Donoghue


TRAILERS unites the most personal and experimental aspects of underground filmmaking with a scope that is as cosmically vast as a science fiction epic. Rashidi’s ongoing exploration into the nature of cinema sees a group of characters adrift in space, each locked into their own sexual rituals while a cataclysm of universal proportions unfolds. Humanity has become a mysterious burlesque show for alien eyes: the gaze of the film camera. This visionary spectacle uses multiple formats and visual textures in weaving an erotic anti-narrative suspended in its own space and time.
Cloud of Skin
Haunted by the memory of a blind woman with visionary powers, a man revisits the sites of their love affair. Rather than unfolding as a traditional narrative, Le Cain’s first feature is an immersive and dreamlike exploration of memory and vision. Shot in a series of time-warped Irish locations the otherworldly atmosphere is intensified by composer Karen Power’s compelling soundscapes.
Cherry Tree
Jill Hunt
El mundo de Faith se vuelve del revés cuando se entera de que su padre se está muriendo. Cuando la misteriosa Sissy Young se convierte en su entrenadora, Faith encuentra en ella una necesaria figura materna. Lo que no se imagina es que Sissy es la líder de unas centenarias brujas que usan el fruto de un antiguo cerezo en un ritual secreto que devuelve la vida a los muertos y moribundos. Sissy se ofrece a curar a su padre a cambio de un niño, y Faith se encuentra de repente embarazada de un bebé que crece a un ritmo alarmante.