Émile Riandreys

Émile Riandreys

Nacimiento : 1900-02-18, Paris, France

Muerte : 1977-11-19


Henri Georges Marsauche said Emile Riandreys, born February 18, 1900 in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, where he died in the Broussais Hospital in the 14th arrondissement on November 19, 1977, is a French actor. Also known under the name of Riandreys, he began as a fanciful singer on the stages of Parisian music halls. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Émile Riandreys


Muerte de un corrupto
L'employé de la morgue
Un hombre de negocios, Xavier Maréchal, acepta encubrir a un amigo suyo que le confiesa el asesinato de un artista, virtuoso de la corrupción y del chantaje. Al día siguiente, le toca al supuesto amigo morir asesinado. Maréchal se encontrará entonces en medio de una maquinación en la que políticos y gángsters estarán dispuestos a cualquier cosa con tal de recuperar un expediente comprometedor.
The day he is released from jail, Serge is expected by four killers sent by Count Charles Varèse assigned to make him confess where he has hidden the jewels stolen during his last stickup. On the other hand the police inspector who arrested him offers him protection on condition he gives him the same piece of information. Serge refuses and is about to be tortured by Varèse's henchmen when Michel, a friendly hood, comes to his rescue. His friendship will result in... a heap of corpses! —Guy Bellinger
La Manière forte
Charly, le barman
Último domicilio conocido
Bus traveler (uncredited)
Marceau Léonetti, un oficial de policía enérgico y competente, arresta al hijo de un famoso abogado, que conducía bajo los efectos del alcohol. Pocos meses después, el abogado acusa falsamente al policía de ser un violento incompetente, como venganza por haber arrestado a su hijo. Como castigo, el policía es destinado a una pequeña comisaría de barrio, donde tendrá a una bella novata como compañera. Pronto, sus superiores tendrán que recurrir a él para que resuelva un complicado asunto .
Under the Sign of the Bull
Un automobiliste
Gracias a la financiación de Jérôme, su cuñado, el inventor Albert Raynal logra desarrollar un revolucionario cohete espacial. Desafortunadamente el cohete estalla en su primer vuelo de prueba, lo que hace que Jérôme le retire el soporte. Dispuesto a no abandonar su idea, Raynal buscará desesperadamente los fondos que le permitan completar su proyecto. (FILMAFFINITY)
El falsificador de Argenteuil
Un passant (uncredited)
Tulipe es un anciano jubilado que vive solo en un antiguo vagón, y que tiene como afición cultivar tranquilamente su jardín y la pintura al óleo, pero también tiene una fuente secreta de ingresos. Su ahijado, Noel, descubre que Tulipe es en realidad un maestro falsificador, que produce copias perfectas de billetes de 10 francos. La novia de Noel ve en esto esto una oportunidad de volverse ricos, pero deben convencer a Tulipe de falsificar billetes de 500 francos.
Jaloux comme un tigre
un serveur qui parie (uncredited)
Dandelions by the Roots
Pommes-Chips acaba de salir de la cárcel y se encuentra con que Jack está saliendo y viviendo con su novia. Pommes-Chips le persigue hasta en el teatro, y mientras el primo de Jack está en plena obra, Jack mata accidentalmente al gángster. Lo que da lugar a una sucesión de enredos, y más aun, cuando se conoce que el cadáver llevaba en su bolsillo un boleto de las carreras de hípica con una importante suma de premio.
El desorden y la noche
Louis, le garçon de café de la P.J. (uncredited)
En el curso de una investigación un inspector de policía se queda prendado de una joven drogadicta, relacionada con la víctima del caso que él investiga. Se plantea entonces renunciar a sus pesquisas, pero entonces descubre al responsable del crimen.
The Wheel
A railway worker
Pierre is an engine driver who adopts a small girl, a WWI orphan. A widower, he sees in her the image of her mother.
Mémoires d'un flic
Uncle Charles
In Marseille, crime squad captain Dominique fights against racketeers and tries to put a young man back on the right track.
Boom on Paris
Oscar, alcoolic deliveryman
In the early 1950s, the popular radio show "La Kermesse aux Étoiles", hosted by the famous Jean Nohain, mixing lottery games and performances of various artists, will be disrupted by the adventures of a man and his fiancée seeking to recover a dangerous bottle of perfume (explosive) which was unfortunately mixed with the prizes to be won ...
Follow That Man
Le couturier (uncredited)
While celebrating his birthday, police inspector Basquier (Bernard Blier) recalls two of his most-celebrated cases. The first involves duplicitous moneylender Olga (Suzy Prin). The second concerns the brutal broad-daylight murder of innocent young Yvonne (Veronique Deschamps).
Run Away Mr. Perle
Un cheminot de la S.N.C.F. (uncredited)
Modest fifty-something, Mr. Perle, is a baker in a small provincial town. He lives there with an authoritarian woman and her cousin, a parasite who poisons his existence. A Parisian notary writes to the hero to ask him to come and take possession of an inheritance. In Paris, Perle meets a pretty adventuress.
Le costaud des Batignolles
A clerk from Heim (uncredited)
Jules, small and weak, dreams of becoming a formidable athlete. He strives every morning to practice physical culture exercises and takes comforting tablets, without success. But he meets Nénette, a woman who, when he kisses her, suddenly endows him with prodigious strength.
Love, Madame
Le contrôleur des wagons-lits (uncredited)
Madame Célerier is determined to marry off her son François to a rich and haughty woman but François has other plans.
Duel à Dakar
Robert Vernier is assigned by the Secret Service to unmask a band of gangsters determined to get their hands on the plans for a new plane. They manage to steal part of it and kidnap Robert's fiancée, named Monique. Robert will manage to dismantle the gang and will be surprised to find that at the head there is a policeman...
Un geôlier (uncredited)
Paul Braconnier and his wife Blandine only have one thing in mind: to find a way to kill each other without risk. After listening to a radio show, Paul decides to go to Paris to meet a famous lawyer in the acquittal of the murderers. He tells the lawyer that he killed his wife. The lawyer asks Paul to reconstruct the circumstances of the drama. Without knowing it, he explains, in spite of himself, the way for Paul to murder his wife by putting the odds on his side to avoid death penalty or even be released...
The Rear-Wheel Drive Gang
The manager of a firm has a very unusual idea : asking his employees to pose as gangsters and to hold up a bank before returning the stolen money and pocketing the reward. But things do not go according to plan and the phony thieves get stolen in their turn. They have no other choice than turning into amateur detectives to be able to pay back the stolen dough.
Three Feet in a Bed
The flu sufferer
In spite of his failures as a peddler, Casimir guaranteed his fiance that this time the vacuum cleaners will work for good. But he's still unsuccessful until he go to the appartment of Paul-Andre, a painter who was engaged by correspondence to a rich south-American woman. That's exactly when she arrive armed with a gun infuriated after she had received a rupture letter from the man she had never seen. She mistakenly took Casimir as her painter lover. Casimir his ready to flee until he learned she owned many hotels, a thousand rooms in fact. "A thousand rooms, a thousand vacuum cleaners", he suddenly think.
Le roi Pandore
Un habitué au café (uncredited)
A policeman receives a fabulous inheritance. Thanks to this, he conquers the heart of Queen Marika. But crooks deprive him of his financial means
The Elders of Saint-Loup
Un ouvrier du collège (uncredited)
Due to financial problems, the boarding-school of Saint-Loup is on the verge of closing its doors. In desperation, Jacquelin, the headmaster, has the idea to invite former students to a fund-raising reunion. Among the alumni, three men whose common point is to have been in love at the time with the headmaster's niece. One is a banker, the second a priest and the last one a globetrotter. All of a sudden, the peace of the assembly is disturbed: Jacquelin's niece has just been murdered.
L'aveugle (uncredited)
1948. Madeleine is the headmistress of a kindergarten in Ménilmontant. Dr Libois, the school doctor, is very close to her heart. When Rose, a new helper comes to the school, Libois is impressed at once by her understanding of the little ones and her dedication to them. Little by little, Libois grows fond of Rose while becoming estranged from Madeleine. He eventually marries Rose.
Les dieux du dimanche
A soccer enthusiast like his father, Martin Lambert is the (gifted) goalkeeper of the local team. He falls in love with Jeanette and soon marries her. Alongside a happy marital life, Martin becomes a successful professional. Which proves a mixed blessing since fame makes him vain and haughty and his marriage gets seriously affected. But the Second World War breaks out and Martin is drafted. Taken prisoner a few months later, he is sent to a camp. When he is released, he tries resume his career but his wounds hurt too much and he has to give in. But not soccer: he will now proudly train young shoots.
Fantomas 4: Fantomas contra Fantomas
Le chef de cabinet (uncredited)
El inspector Juve decide enfrentarse al maestro del disfraz Fantomas, utilizando sus mismas armas. Cuarta entrega del serial dirigido por Louis Feuillade, basada en los folletines de Pierre Souvestre y Marcel Allain. En esta ocasión, la novela adaptada fue "El policía apache".
Emile the African
Émile Boulard is a props man in a Paris movie studio. He has a wife, Suzanne. Or to be more accurate, let's say he HAD a wife since she left him fifteen years before, allegedly ... to go buy a post stamp. But now that their daughter Martine , who lives with her, is old enough to marry, she resurfaces. She confesses that, in order to explain his absence, she has told Martine her father was a great explorer and lion hunter in Africa. Not to disappoint his daughter, Émile accepts to pose as the adventurer he is supposed to be. At the same time he will help Daniel, Martine's bashful fiancé, not to become a henpecked husband like him.
Fort de la solitude
On the borders of the desert, Péhu, a rather blunt creature on the verge of death, confesses to Charles Sigouane that some time before he stole and killed for the sake of a woman named Marie. Péhu recovers against all odds and returns to France with a view to finding Marie and to retrieve a loot he has hidden somewhere.
Adventure Starts Tomorrow
le barman
Together with her partner-in-crime Claude, Clarence sets her sites on famed explorer Maxime. It seems that Luguet has stumbled upon the fabled "elephant's graveyard" in the jungles of Africa, and Miranda intends to get her well-manicured mitts on all that valuable ivory.
The Crowned Fish Tavern
Captain Palmer's daughter, Maria, is neglected by her husband, the cynical Leo, who lives with the beautiful Sylvia. To defeat his son-in-law, Palmer has the idea of ​​putting Sylvia back in the presence of Pierre, her first love. Leo takes revenge by creating many difficulties for Palmer who retaliates by starting a violent fight where Leo is killed. Everything seems to point to Pierre, but...
Le Bateau à soupe
Le cuistot
Hervé is a tough sea captain in command of the "Duchesse Anne", a rum-trading ship. But the sea dog hides a tender heart and he allows Marie-Douce, a poor slum girl who dreams of seeing the wide world,on board. To have her accepted by the crew, he passes her off as his niece. A seasoned master like him, wise enough to ban alcohol use on his ship, should have known better : a beautiful girl on the deck cannot but unleash the savage instincts of all those men without women.
This is the story of two brothers: the good one, the virtuous gent, an acclaimed singer, and the bad one who leads a wild life.
Macreuse, police officer
Petrus, a Montmartre photographer, is accidentally wounded by Migo, a dancer at the Frou Frou night club, when she is trying to shoot her faithless lover Rodrigue, a counterfeiter. Though Petrus tries to reconcile the lovers, Migo lands up with him after Rodrigue is finally killed by another jealous dancer.
Alone in the Night
Journalist Deval (uncredited)
A series of crimes is being perpetrated around a famous singer. Strangely, during each of the crimes, the artist's voice is heard humming his favorite song. Suspicions lead to a chase through a nocturnal Paris, ending in a disused theater where the assassin has lured his final victim.
Le bal des passants
Fabienne believes herself to be cheated on by her husband Claude and divorces her. He leaves for America and does not return until eight years later. He then meets his daughter.
At Your Command, Madam
Un chauffeur (uncredited)
Hector and Odette Dupuis' car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, but not far from a luxury hotel. The couple are well off but, being miserly, Odette is determined to keep her budget tight. Fortunately for her, the hotel offers rooms for domestics costing only 35 francs, so she decides to pass her husband as her chauffeur. As far as she is concerned, Odette presents herself as Baroness de Garches and takes a 250 franc room. But their stay soon becomes complicated. For instance, Palureau, a widower with five daughters who is planning to remarry, starts courting the 'baroness'. And that is not all since at the same time Angèle, a chambermaid, makes advances to Hector ! To make matters worse, Ferdinand, Angèle's boyfriend, decides to get even with Hector, his 'rival'. The jealous guy steals a jewel from a guest and has poor Hector accused of the theft.
Mademoiselle Swing
Le secrétaire de l'orchestre
Stuck in Angoulême between her uncle, who composes classical music, and her aunt, who is a fan of contemporary music, young Irène finds life boring. Fortunately, there is swing music which illuminates her days. So when, one day, Raymond Serre and his swing orchestra come to Angoulême, she seizes the opportunity to slip the copy of a song she has written into the pocket of one of the musicians. The trouble is that while she is doing so, the train she has boarded pulls out.
Sideral Cruises
Un consommateur au café (uncredited)
Robert and Françoise Monier make a hot air balloon to fly to the stratosphere. After a visit to Venus, they return home, but have only aged 15 days whereas 25 years have passed on Earth.
Montmarte on the Seine
Maurice loves Juliet and Michael loves Lily. Romance blossoms on the hill. They are workers, artisans, and Lily has a real talent as a singer. But Claude's arrival brings trouble to their relationships. Maurice, jealous, approaches Lily. Singing in the streets, Lily quickly becomes a cabaret star.
Pour le maillot jaune
The romantic relationship between a sports journalist and a cyclist during the Tour de France.
The Musicians of the Sky
Petite Pogne
A would be blind hoodlum redeems himself in the Salvation Army just for a lovely lieutenant.
Ma tante dictateur
A young man who wishes to launch his girlfriend in the theater, borrows money from his aunt, making her believe that he wants to buy groceries. His aunt arrives and then wishes to visit “her” grocery store; to save the day he borrows the store of a credulous grocer.
La marraine du régiment
A wealthy old maid offers to be the godmother of a regiment in order to find a fiancé for her niece who must come into possession of a large inheritance the day she marries a private.
I Sing
A domestic
Charles's uncle is the headmaster of a chic girls school .He is short of the readies and he has lots and lots of debts.
Lights of Paris
A celebrated singer in Paris meets a young woman and courts her by pretending to be a driving instructor.
The pharmacist Floche who was once the merry Flofloche, had a daughter by a dancer. He wants his daughter to become a pharmacist, but of course all she thinks about is dancing. And she dances while Mr. Floche finds happiness with a musichall star.
Le chemin du bonheur
Three friends, Fred, singer, Claude, painter and André, extra, live in the same studio and share everything, even their girlfriend. Fred falls in love with a young girl but leaves her when he learns that she is rich. The two friends will try to fix this problem.
Companion Wanted
Young love blossoms between a salesgirl and a handsome man on the French Riviera.