Fourty years ago, in May 1981, with François Mitterrand's election, some people were letting themselves dream about a better life while others were predicting the coming of soviet tanks upon the Champs-Élysées. If we gladly remember the turning point of austerity in 83, there were also the wage rises, the fifth week of paid leave, the abolition of death penalty, the decriminalisation of homosexuality, or the advent of independent radio stations. Rare archives and accounts by those who were at the heart of this story give an overview of it and shed light on lesser-known aspects.
What does it mean to be leftist today? The film tries to answer this essential question by interviewing great figures of contemporary thought. From the disappearance of the USSR to the latest financial crisis, Après la gauche is a journey through 20 years that have upset the left, but it's - above all - an act of resistance.
La joven extrovertida Baya Benmahmoud vive según el clásico lema: "Haz el amor y no la guerra". Con el fin de convertirlos en su causa, dormirá con sus enemigos políticos, lo que implica una gran cantidad de hombres conservadores. Por ahora ha logrado buenos resultados hasta que conoce a Arthur Martin, de unos cuarenta años. Baya se imagina que con un nombre común (hay más de 10.000 Arthur Martin en Francia), está destinado a ser un verdadero conservador y difícil por lo tanto de convertir. Sin embargo, los nombres son traicioneros y las cosas no siempre son lo que parecen. Baya y Arthur son tan diferentes como dos personas pueden serlo, pero cuando se enamoran, las cosas cambian.
The concept includes a series of shorts titled "Dispositif + No + title". They all deal with subjects mixed in a unique and unusual presentation. It is an inventively surreal image and sound experience. It is Jean Cocteau for the twenty-first century.
In a series of long interviews, 12 prime ministers talk about their experience in the upper echelons of power. The function of prime minister, torn between the president and the parliament, appointed without necessarily being elected but responsible for everything, is at the center of debate. With the exception of Jacques Chirac (1974-1976 and 1986-1988), deliberately left out because of his image as French President, those who governed France for the past 35 years agreed to discuss the exercise of power, as seen through archive footage, but also how they experienced it personally. Filmed in the same studio and sitting in the same chair, 12 French prime ministers talk freely about their time in office, from their appointment until their resignation.
Taxi 2 cuenta la historia del ministro de Defensa japonés visitando Marsella para conocer las técnicas anti-gangster de los policías de la ciudad. Sin embargo, durante la visita es secuestrado por un grupo trabajando para los yakuza. El joven agente Emilien es designado a rescatar el ministro y la agente y novia Petra, también secuestrada, y devolver el honor a su departamento. Otra vez más, el rápido conductor de taxi Daniel es llamado para ayudarlo con sus dotes de conducción en su Peugeot 406..