On April 25, 1974, a man walked alone in Largo do Carmo. He knocked on the GNR military barracks door and entered, unarmed and without any escorts. Inside, the Government’s chief, Marcelo Caetano, waited, surrounded by the military and the people. The man who stared at him that afternoon and demanded surrender, guaranteeing his safety, had just led Santarém’s Artillery 1 regiment in taking the capital. Without firing a single shot, he managed to overthrow a regime that was over 48 years old. That was the last step to take and he took it, without hesitation, becoming the unavoidable figure of the day that marked the beginning of democracy in Portugal
Maria da Luz waits for her husband who got lost somewhere in Angola during the war. With no news, she finds herself surrounded by families that, like her, desperately long for some kind of hope regarding their loved ones fighting abroad. She takes the matter in her hands and starts tape recording loving messages from each mother, wife and other family members. Carrying the tapes, she travels to Angola and personally delivers these messages to each and every soldier in a personal quest right in the middle of a country in war.
1975, soplan vientos de cambio en la Portugal posrevolucionaria. Al Berto, ahora un aspirante a poeta, regresa a su pueblo natal de Sines. Se instala de forma ilegal en una mansión expropiada a su familia durante la revolución, y frecuenta a vecinos que comparten su interés por las artes y sueñan con una vida diferente. Pronto consigue un amante, João Maria, mientras provoca la ira de los residentes más conservadores.