Carlos Rodrigues

Carlos Rodrigues

Nacimiento : 1944-09-03, Setúbal, Lisboa, Portugal

Muerte : 2016-12-11


Carlos Rodrigues


Daqui p'ra alegria
Francisco's Father
Three girls from the Lisbon suburbs, Bruna, Marta and Sara, are having a bit of fun. They've discovered that people in general are prepared to give things to young, attractive and good-natured people, and they exploit this shamelessly. Francisco, a neighbour of theirs, has given up on life. He's abandoned his wife and child to take refuge far from those who might hurt him ; in effect dying. He's ashamed of this, and never ever looks at anyone. This has given him, amongst the women of the neighbourhood, the reputation of being able to tell, just by looking at a couple, how long they'll stay together. The sudden news of the death of his much loved wife, upsets Francisco's routine.
The Fascination
Braz Pena
An intriguing story about a family and a manor house (where some terrible crimes were committed in the past by a member of that family) adapted from a novel with the same title by Tabajara Ruas.
La máscara vengadora
Tras la unión secreta entre Inés y el duque de Nevers, éste es cobardemente asesinado por misterioso desconocido. Lagardere, fiel servidor del duque, promete vengarlo y educar a Aurora, su hija. Para esto, antes de morir, el duque le confía el secreto de su famosa estocada: la estocada Nevers. Durante 17 años Lagardere vengará al duque haciéndose pasar por su fantasma y matando sin descanso a los que participaron en su asesinato. Pero sigue sin saber quien fue el promotor del mismo.
Zus & Zo
Portugese wijnboer
In this Oscar-nominated comedy, three wacky sisters try to save their inheritance from their supposedly gay brother, who suddenly appears with a fiancé in tow. If he gets married, their father's will stipulates that he gets the family hotel in Portugal. So the sisters put aside their personal differences and set out to stop the wedding at all costs.
Jogo da Glória
Rui, A teenage boy works in his father shop and has an old brother that is a policeman. His father is about to close the shop, because of money issues, and Rui needs to get money for him and also to help his father. By the hand of a friend he enters in the criminal world to make money.
La sirena roja
Anita tiene doce años y está asustada. Se ha escapado de su casa y su madre es una peligrosa asesina que la quiere recuperar a toda costa. La policía no puede ayudarla: es menor de edad y está bajo la tutela de su madre. Hugo tiene cuarenta años y se acaba de retirar de su profesión de mercenario, pero su vida se cruza con la de Anita. Deberá retrasar su futuro unos días para salvar la vida de Anita...
The story of a family of bull fighters.
En el siglo pasado, una joven campesina, Bernadette, se despierta y se siente atraída hacia una cueva. En la actualidad, Bernard Guillaumet es un joven fotógrefo que está haciendo fotografías en Lourdes. Cuando vuelve a su casa, ve que Natalie, su mujer, le ha dejado un paquete. Lo abre y ve que es un viejo manuscrito, titulado Lourdes, de su viejo bisabuelo, Henri Guillaumet, el cual conoció a Bernadette. Bernard ya conocía ese manuscrito, por su padre, pero nunca lo había leído porque él no cree en esas cosas. Cuando Bernard va a revelar las fotos ve que no hay nada. A Natalie le dan dolores de vientre. Resulta que está embarazada de dos meses y puede abortar. Bernard comienza a leer el manuscrito, que resulta ser el diario de Henri, en el que se relata el encuentro con Bernadette. Bernard decide volver a Lourdes porque su jefe le está presionando, y deja a Natalie en el hospital.
After having been in jail, Manuel becomes a bullfighter following dangerously his father's steps.
Jaime es un muchacho de 13 años que vive en Oporto con su madre, quien ha dejado a su padre, y el amante de ésta. El niño está haciendo todo lo posible para que sus padres arreglen sus problemas y vuelvan a estar juntos. Piensa que la separación fue causada por el robo de la motocicleta de su padre, lo que provocó que éste perdiera su trabajo. Por tanto, Jaime comienza a trabajar para conseguir dinero con la intención de comprar una nueva motocicleta.
Dribbling Fate
Life has moved too fast for Mane. at the age of 50 he watches the slow sacrifice of his ideals. His wife, Lucy, has locked him in to a daily routine. His work in a small commercial shop and grocer's has worn him out. His dreams have evaporated into the drought of the beaten earth of Mindelo. Now forgotten, with his past as a great football player for Mindelense, in St Vincent in Cape Verde, he only has the belated compassion of his friends, neighbours, and cafe companions: "He was important", "He was the keeper in Cape Verde", "He could have played for Benfica!" Mane rejects the loss of his status as a hero. When training a youth team he sees himself again in KALU, a rebellious but talented youth. He is guided by a whirlwind of thoughts; he was also young, had opportunities, felt the sting of love and wasted his flame. A beaten leather ball shines in his hands once again, Benfica, his club, calls him to the Portuguese Cup Final.
newspaper salesman
What is the nature of life? What is the nature of art? How can art influence our lives? These are the questions of this movie. The main character, a man who lives both in the world of dreams and reality, searches his past, in order to understand its meaning. He has meetings with the ghosts of his dead friend, his dead lover, his dead father and Pessoa, the great portuguese writer. These four encounters give him clues about what he is looking for. Beside that, he finds himself in front of art, discovering how it modifies our comprehension of life. It's based in one of Tabucci's (the italian writer)books: "Requiem". This few lines cannot resume the greatness of this movie. The last thing I can say is: If you like art, I recommend you to see it. If you ever wonder about the nature of dreams, or you live in dreams half of the time, I think you'll feel like this movie was made for you.
Father António is a priest by vocation, committed and generous, dear people of Vila Daires a quiet village of the north. But Father António is also a man, and Vila Daires is not as peaceful as it seems. The good intentions of the Father will not be sufficient to halt the worsening of the conflict. And when your fate intersects with Lena, the "black sheep" of the village, Father will also be forced to confront his own demons. Especially with those who never even thought that could exist.
Crippled Man
El 13 de Mayo de 1917, una bella aparición de Nuestra Señora altera para siempre la vida de tres criaturas: Lucinda, Jacita y Francisco que vivian en Villa de Fatima, Portugal.
Goodbye, Father
For a 13-year-old boy like Filipe, the prospect of a summer vacation in the Azores with his father is like a dream come true. But dreams are sometimes just a way to avoid facing reality.
The Island of Contenda
Augusto Foleiro
Cape Verde, 1964. At the feet of a mighty volcano, the traditional Cape Verdean society is undergoing a steady change. The old land-owning aristocracy is disintegrating. A class of "mulattos" begins to emerge, with a trade-based financial power that threatens the landlords. A new identity arises, a mix of old and new, of African and Portuguese culture, sensual and dynamic. The songs of Cesária Évora follow this inevitable transformation. From the novel by Henrique Teixeira de Sousa.
La casa de los espíritus
Historia de los Trueba, una turbulenta famila chilena de clase alta que, durante tres generaciones, vive los cambiantes acontecimientos de su país. Con su violento patriarca y sus mujeres clarividentes, la historia familiar se extiende desde finales del siglo XIX hasta el golpe de estado que derrocó al gobierno de Salvador Allende en 1973.
Rosa Negra
Fernanda, António and Quim are travelling by train to a provincial Portuguese industrial city. Fernanda, a teacher, agrees to replace a pregnant colleague. António is returning to the home he was forced to flee long ago, accused of setting fire to the Duarte’s factory. At the station he bumps into Mariana who is in love of him. António is not welcome and is violently attacked by a group connected to Duarte ...
Aqui D'El Rei!
At the end of the nineteenth century, an army force led by Major Mouzinho de Albuquerque, a cavalry officer, imprisoned in Mozambique the great regulative Governor Gungunhana, who had rebelled against Portuguese government and sovereignty
Adios princesa
"Crimen en Beja (Alentejo): Helmut Schneider, 23 años, de nacionalidad alemana, mecánico en la base de la OTAN ha sido encontrado asesinado. María Victoria Formosinho, 18 años, apodada Mitó, hija del responsable político del Partido Comunista local, ha pasado a disposición judicial". Al recibir el télex, Contreiras, director del periódico de Lisboa 'Las Actualidades', prepara un equipo de reporteros para enviar al lugar del crimen. Sangre, sexo y política en una región de Portugal donde esos hechos son muy poco habituales. (FILMAFFINITY)