Glenn Silber


Frontline: A Death in St. Augustine
On the night she broke up with her boyfriend, a Florida deputy sheriff, Michelle O'Connell was found dead from a gunshot in the mouth. Next to her was her boyfriend's semi-automatic service pistol. The sheriff's office called it suicide, but was it? FRONTLINE and The New York Times investigate this death of a young, single mother, and what can go wrong when the police are faced with domestic violence allegations within their own ranks.
Atomic Artist
‎Tony Price pasó la última parte de su vida como escultor convirtiendo partes de la bomba atómica desechadas en arte, con énfasis en iconos religiosos para protestar y advertir al mundo sobre lo que veía como la eventual destrucción de la vida en la tierra por parte de las superpotencias y sus armas nucleares. Hubo un tiempo en que las piezas de armas nucleares de desecho se vendían por libra de los Laboratorios Nacionales de Los Álamos en Nuevo México. Tony aparecía allí todas las semanas para comprar la materia prima para su arte. Esta es una historia que hice sobre Tony y sus esculturas para el Today Show en los años 80. Su especialidad era lo que él llamaba Kachinas atómicas contemporáneas.‎
El Salvador: Another Vietnam
This political documentary illustrates the turbulent history of El Salvador from the 1920s-1970s, and the role of the U.S. government in that history. The most comprehensive film introduction to that country, examines the civil war there in light of the Reagan administration's decision to "draw the line" against "communist interference" in Central America. Archival material offers an overview of U.S. military and economic policy in Central America since 1948, while footage drawn from sources in the U.S., Mexico, and Europe provides extensive background to the current political and military situation.