Lisa Dahling


Third Man Out
Fake Dik Steele Female
Gay detective Donald Strachey is commissioned to protect gay activist John Rutka, who is known for "outing" prominent citizens. Strachey abandons bodyguard duty when he feels that Rutka is staging the threats against himself. When Rutka turns up dead, Strachey is faced with an extensive list of enemies all with enough motive to kill.
School of Life
Miss Hunt
At Fallbrook Middle School, the annual student-elected Teacher of the Year award is held. And every year for the last 43 years Norman Warner or most fondly called Stormin' Norman Warner has won the award. Now that he has died, the burden of carrying the legacy falls into the hands of Matt Warner, the son of the late Norman Warner who has always lived in the shadow of his father.
Aventuras en Alaska
Mrs. Yepremian
Cuando Ted Brooks (Cuba Gooding Jr.), un dentista de Miami, se entera de que ha recibido una herencia, viaja hasta Alaska para hacerse cargo de ella. Sin embargo, una vez allí, su decepción es enorme: ha heredado un revoltoso grupo de perros de trineo que no hacen más que crearle problemas. Para empeorar las cosas aparece Jack (James Coburn), un rudo montañero que, además, es el fanfarrón más conocido de la ciudad. Jack, que desea quedarse con los perros, anima a Ted a marcharse a climas más cálidos. Pero, poco a poco, Ted se va encariñando con los animales, y decide aprender a manejar un trineo de nieve cueste lo que cueste.