Yoram Mandel


The Children of USSR
A group of young immigrants from Soviet Union live in a provincial Israeli town. In their new homeland the only person who follows them closely is the local policeman, family ties are wearing out day by day, and they do everything to mess their lives up, transforming their anxiety to get a new social standing in violence and robbery. Will they be able to build a soccer team and win the local championship? Will sport help them to recover self-esteem and prove to everyone that they are not doomed to live as criminals?
Seven Days in Elul
Dudu Peled has a secret. In a military action during reserve duty he accidentally shot and killed his commander, Amnon Rifkin. The official investigation absolved him of responsibility, but since the incident he is tormented by an overpowering sense of guilt. Fifteen years later, the delicate balance that he created to pull his life together suddenly falls apart, when his wife Naomi meets Amnon’s widow Ruthie. As the two women become close friends, Dudu has to free himself from the tangled web he’s caught in, and he has to do it fast …
Johnny Suede
Johnny Suede es un joven que no alberga dudas sobre su destino: él quiere ser una estrella del rock'n'roll tan grande como su ídolo, Ricky Nelson. Tiene todo lo que se necesita, incluido un gran tupé, pero le falta algo que él considera fundamental: un par de zapatos de gamuza negros. De repente, una noche, como caídos del cielo, aparecen los zapatos de sus sueños a sus pies. A partir de ese momento, su vida se convierte en un torbellino que le lleva hasta su encuentro con Yvonne, una mujer que le enseñará qué cosas son las que realmente importan.
Miradas en la despedida
Michael y Robert son una pareja gay de Nueva York que tiene que afrontar un reto importante: Robert ha de ir por motivos de trabajo a África por un periodo de dos años. Michael empieza a sospechar cuáles son los verdaderos motivos del viaje. Destaca la interpretación de Steve Buscemi como Nick, amigo de Michael y Robert, como un enfermo de sida.