Nicolas Tonsho


Antologia de la Pandemia
2020 pasará a los anales de la historia como el año en el que un virus detuvo por completo la marcha de todo el planeta. Durante los primeros meses, en medio de una cuarentena y de una gran incertidumbre con respecto al futuro, Fantaspoa Film Festival puso en marcha un festival para cineastas de todo el mundo con el objetivo de crear historias relacionadas con la pandemia desde sus casas, con cuales fueran los recursos que tuviesen a mano. Esta antología ofrece los 13 cortos más representativos y creativos que se produjeron retratando un momento que, con un poco de suerte, nunca más se repetirá.
Skull: The Mask
Un asesino en serie de origen sobrenatural, basado en la mitología precolombina, se adentra en la ciudad de São Paulo con sed de venganza.
Deodato Holocaust
Executive Producer
From the makers of "FantastiCozzi", a new documentary about the life and career of controversial Italian director Ruggero Deodato.
A Pedra da Serpente
After losing a baby in the third trimester, Joana decides to go on vacation in Peruibe, a small seaside town, known for UFO's sightings. After a one night stand, Joana runs over a man and kills him. Joana then ignites a strange relationship with Maria, the wife of the man she killed and finds herself immersed in a peculiar story of alien abductions.
Bring Me the Head of Antonio Mayans
Extra in theater
Veteran Spanish actor Antonio Mayans is kidnapped by a director with whom he made a terrible film in the past, and whose career was destroyed by the failure of it. He seeks revenge and wants Mayans to act on his new project: a snuff movie.
A feature-length documentary about the life and career of Italian director Luigi Cozzi and his obsession with Science Fiction and Fantasy.
A feature-length documentary about the life and career of Italian director Luigi Cozzi and his obsession with Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Associate Producer
Adaptación al cine de la novela homónima de Leonardo Oyola que relata cómo sería el legendario personaje del cómic, Superman, si en lugar de haber caído desde su Krypton natal en la ficticia Smallville, hubiera aterrizado en el corazón del real Isidro Casanova, en La Matanza, oeste profundo del Conurbano (en BsAs, Argentina).
David Blyth's Damn Laser Vampires
In this music video, a horror story unfolds during a concert of the band Damn Laser Vampires. A Evil Beggar attacks a guy, spreading a contamination that turns people into demons. When the guy attacks a defenseless girl in the middle of the show, the band decide to save her from the forces of Evil.