Ottfried Schnaggler
Alfons Hirnreiter
Ferdinand Graf von Pfuhl
The naive 18 year old Dobrila leaves her little Serbian village to travel to Hamburg, Germany, where her boyfriend lives. The trip is not easy. Finally in Hamburg she has to realize her boyfriend is not very interested in a relationship. She doesn't tell him she's pregnant and starts on her way home to Serbia, which turns out to be even more exhausting.
Idomeneus, King of Crete, one of the great heroes during the total destruction of the famous city of Troy was sailing back to his realm when a terrible storm broke loose near the city of Sidon. The storm was of such violence that in his fear Idomeneus made a solemn promise to Neptune, God of the Seas, to sacrifice the first person -no matter who it be- that he would meet on the shore if he and his people would only get there safely.
Un drama que tiene como fondo a la célebre prima donna española del siglo XIX María Malibrán, muerta a los veintiocho años mientras cantaba en una velada musical. Un film que está más cerca de Murnau o Stiller que de los contemporáneos de Schroeter.... Los actores parecen caminar o gesticular conforme a las leyes de otro planeta y avanza a una velocidad que no sabríamos reconocer como lenta ni rápida y es una especie de emoción pura y limpia del gesto, de la mirada, del caminar.
Collage of dramatic scenes, some exaggerated to comic effect, with asynchronous sound from well known classic, operatic, and rock and roll music – with different approaches to love, suffering, and death.
A love triangle, accompanied by traditional German Christmas songs.
La morte d’Isotta is a passionate melodrama inspired by Richard Wagner and Comte de Lautréamont, with Schroeter appearing in a principal role.