A day at the lake. Andrej's ex-girlfriend Nadia pays him a visit. Nadia and Andrej's former best mate Claudius are a couple now. Nadia's request for help confronts Andrej with a shared dark secret.
Basada en la historia real del héroe de guerra polaco Jan Nowak-Jeziorañski, que se convirtió en "El mensajero de Varsovia". Perseguido por varios servicios secretos del Eje del Mal, Jan sale de Polonia con destino a Londres con el objetivo de llevar una información que podría cambiar el futuro de Polonia.
Lower Austria in the 80s. Anna helps out in her uncle's tavern to fund her studies and meets handsome Kurt who casts an eye on her. But when the local factory closes, life in the valley changes. Anna learns that Kurt is going to marry. Then a terrible accident occurs. The film conveys the rural society's changing self-conception and outlines the conflict between staying or leaving for the city.
"Snowblind" is set in the black forest in the ice cold winter of 1946. Peter, a 16-year old, blind boy is trying to get out of Germany together with his father Heiner – a former SS officer. They carry the fatally wounded soldier Karl, who promised to guide them across the border to Switzerland. By the time they reach his families remote farm house, Karl has died and Peter and Heiner hope for Karls father to fulfill his sons promise. A snow storm forces them to stay at the farm house, causing highly sensible dynamics between the contradicting characters - sparking a chain of fateful events.
Mia, de 15 años, enfrenta una transformación abrumadora que pone en tela de juicio toda su existencia. Su cuerpo está cambiando radicalmente y, a pesar de los intentos desesperados por detener el proceso, Mia pronto se ve obligada a aceptar que la naturaleza es mucho más poderosa que ella.
David's and Jessy's love is put to the test when Jessy unintentionally gets pregnant. The thought of becoming a father causes David to panic. Later, when they are attacked in the train and David is unable to protect his girlfriend, David's fear of not being man enough is confirmed. In desperation, he starts to inject steroids. David develops aggressive traits and becomes a threat to his girlfriend and the unborn child.
Fer, un veterano y enamoradizo realizador publicitario, es invitado por su amigo Miguel Ángel a su retiro dorado en la tranquila isla de Menorca. Allí conoce a Nuria, una escultora antisistema que vive en permanente conflicto con su hija adolescente, Olivia.
Summer, sunshine and boredom. Parents are on a vacation in St. Tropez and NIK has the huge house to himself. He wants to profit and invites his grammer school friends over. He is ready to overcome his insecurity and to do whatever it takes to be part of the 'gang'.