Mel Cobrador


Under the Sun
A transgender sampaguita farmer decides to renovate their neglected kitchen as soon as she heard that her son is going home.
Mama Mary Is A Drag Queen
Lighting Director
The acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community by the Catholic Church has always been controversial and much-debated even after significant progress in equality and human rights has been achieved in the past decade. If the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ walked amongst us today as drag queens, will Catholics and Christians accept them for who they are?
Ophelia, es una joven adolescente e impetuosa que reside en el castillo de Elsinore como una de las personas de confianza de la Reina Gertrude. Su personalidad no pasa desapercibida ante los ojos del Príncipe Hamlet, a quien conquista rápidamente. Ambos se enzarzan en un apasionado romance secreto mientras su reino se encuentra al borde de entrar en guerra, plagado de traición y de intrigas palaciegas.
Ya Right
The film, directed by Gab Mesina, features an unusual but relatable conversation between two adolescent girls about their dreams and the family traditions that force them to confront their own realities.
Ya Right
The film, directed by Gab Mesina, features an unusual but relatable conversation between two adolescent girls about their dreams and the family traditions that force them to confront their own realities.