Directorial debut by Kiridoshi Risaku, an accomplished film and cultural critic and author of "Miyazaki Hayao no ‘sekai'" and "Kaiju tsukai to shonen: Ultraman no sakka tachi". Mikoto (Mikoto) and Takashi (Sumori Ryubun) graduated from the same high school. Now in their twenties, they meet by coincidence and hit it off, and they decide to spend the night together. But Takashi invites her not to a love hotel, but to their former high school. Mikoto has only bad memories from high school, and she realizes that Takashi also is looking for a chance to redo his teenage years.
Un extraño virus provoca que los zombies se conviertan en violadores, cuyas víctimas se convierten también en muertos vivientes mediante el sexo. Los supervivientes deberán luchar para sobrevivir en un Japón apocalíptico. Quinta parte del gran éxito en Japón "Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead".
Un extraño virus provoca que los zombis se conviertan en violadores, cuyas víctimas se convierten también en muertos vivientes mediante el sexo. Los supervivientes deberán luchar para sobrevivir en un Japón apocalíptico. Cuarta parte del gran éxito en Japón "Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead".
A young girl abducted by a serial sex criminal and is released unharmed, but decides not to inform the police. She must face the moral consequences when the assaults continue against other women.
Year 201X. Japan has achieved economic revitalization due to the legalization of betting authorized by the government due to the enforcement of the betting regulations. A gambling vocational school (commonly known as Tobasen) was established to train specialists so that they can compete with other countries even in gambling. Only the gambling arm can climb. Meanwhile, Mizuho and four female students are gathered in the classroom. They were some of the most problematic children in Tobasen. Then, the teacher tells me the startling test contents. If he wins, he will graduate as a gambling specialist. However, if he lost, he was stripped of all his clothes, and he was a mahjong undressing, breaking the rules that death sanctions were waiting.
Un extraño virus provoca que los zombis se conviertan en violadores,cuyas víctimas se convierten también en muertos vivientes mediante el sexo.Los supervivientes deberán luchar para sobrevivir en un Japón apocalíptico. Tercera parte del gran éxito en Japón "Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead".
Un extraño virus provoca que los zombies se conviertan en violadores, cuyas víctimas se convierten también en muertos vivientes mediante el sexo. Los supervivientes deberán luchar para sobrevivir en un Japón apocalíptico.