Naima Bouhmala


The Brothers
"Al Ikhwan" is a social comedy that tells the story of 3 friends (Zreka, Charo, and Abdelssadek), from a slum in Casablanca, who consider themselves brothers. Each of them has their story, their concerns, their problems, but they all share the same thing: failure in their lives marked by poverty, unemployment and marginalization... By seeking to create a buzz at through a video shot by the 3 young people, they were polarized and manipulated because of their naivety and carelessness and thus found themselves pursued by a search warrant against them throughout the national territory. .
Your Father's Eyes
La propriétaire
Jamila is a victime of a porn revenge. An act that generated abrupt change of the girl's life, who under social convention, suffers popular anger and finds herself forced to flee away to finally face the unprecedented violence of her family, that is running close to the honor crime.
Un Marocain à Paris
Najib, who lives in Morocco, envies his brother, an architect living in France for twenty years. For lack of money, he decides to join the hexagon, but clandestinely. During his journey, he meets Attila, a Turk on the run that will drag him into his shady business. His arrival in France will be far from being as idyllic as he hoped!
بوشعيب بوسعود
Bochaib, the unemployed old son of the old city of Casablanca, was given the chance to immigrate to the United States legally, Met with the US consulate in Fatiha, who is also dreaming of leaving for America, she agrees with Boushoaib on a white marriage in return for leaving with him while she is charged with the expenses of residence and travel.
In Casablanca, the Angels Don't Fly
Ottman's Mother
The life and times of a Casablanca cafe waiter.
Eclats du passé
A young lawyer, defending her father, the accused, whom she sees since she was a child.