Alicja Torbus-Wosinska


Tres colores: Blanco
Assistant Editor
Karol ama profundamente a Dominique, pero el problema de impotencia sexual que sufre provoca el divorcio. Una serie de penurias se sucederán en la vida de Karol, que se verá obligado a volver a su Polonia natal y a intentar ganarse la vida como pueda.
Panny i wdowy
Sound Editor
Who Is That Man?
The story is set in 1939. A military officer is stripped of his rank for his apparent collaboration with a counter-espionage agent while on a mission in Paris. Then he is enlisted in his own country's counterespionage unit, due to his knowledge of languages. He is assigned to Gdansk where he is trying to uncover mysterious "Wotan" in the German Secret Service. He eventually tracks down and kills the agent, but by doing so wipes out the possibility to clearing himself of the charges. Just as the death sentence is to be carried out on him the war breaks out and he escapes out of the bombed prison to join partisans.