Kai Wiesinger

Kai Wiesinger

Nacimiento : 1966-04-16, Hannover, Germany


Kai Wiesinger


Du sollst hören
Prof. Dr. Theo Rotschild
Dr. Hoffmann - Die russische Spende
Dr. Felix Hoffmann
El espía honesto
En 1981 se produjo la última ejecución en la historia de la antigua Alemania del Este. Basada en la historia real de un economista que había sido reclutado por la Stasi como informante encubierto y es acusado de espionaje.
Dos adolescentes, que se ven exactamente iguales, pero que nunca se conocieron antes, cambian de lugar durante las vacaciones en un parque temático.
Money. Murder. Zurich.: Borchert and the murderous greed
The lawyers Borchert and Kuster are investigating a case involving a young student who has come under the crosshairs of a terrorist group.
Lucky Loser
With Mike it's anything but round: flat away, job a one-way street, and to make matters worse, his little loser heart still beats for ex-wife Claudia.
Die Konfirmation
What do parents think first when the room of a 15-year-old is empty on Sunday morning? The fact that he secretly goes to church, brings his otherwise open-minded patchwork family together: what's going on in the child's head? While Ulrike C. Tscharre wants to be the indignant mother of the pastor, Ben Braun proposes in the role of the casual stepfather before a self-experience trip in the distance.
Gut zu Vögeln
After her fiancee cancels the wedding, Merlin's life changes drastically when she moves in with one of her brother's best friends.
Der Rücktritt
Christian Wulff
In 2012 German Bundespraesident Christian Wulff declares his resignation in the great hall of Bellevue Palace. At the side of his wife, he had to face the pressure of the media for 68 days while struggling for office of head of state of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Der Tote im Eis
Mark Kress
Mit geradem Rücken
Jakob Braunstein
El código de Carlomagno: la cámara de ámbar
Eik Meiers
La cámara de ámbar del castillo de Koenigsberg ha sido objeto de la búsqueda de innumerables cazatesoros desde su desaparición en 1945. Se comenta que el mismo Albert Einstein escondió la cámara para preservarla de los nazis y sus malévolas intenciones. Ahora los aventureros Eik, Katharina y Justus intentarán encontrarla con la ayuda de la biznieta de Einstein, Mila. Segunda secuela de la película de aventuras realizada especialmente para la televisión alemana "El código de Carlomagno", que continúa siguiendo las directrices de las producciones holywoodienses. Mezclando aventuras y fantasía, la cinta vuelve a contar con la presencia de Bettina Zimmermann ("En busca del tesoro perdido") y Fabian Busch ("23"). Ambos vuelven a acompañan a Kai Wiesinger ("Todos aman a alguien alguna vez", "Rehenes en la tormenta").
Dr. Hans-Joachim Kapenheuer
Max Reich
Three musically talented children look to the future, but their hopes crumble when Germany and Russia enter into war.
Residual Risk
Werksleiter Wessel
Nuclear security expert Katja Wernecke (Ulrike Folkerts) helps cover up a fire in the German nuclear reactor she works in, before the government takes a decision on extending the usage license for it. But the press uncovers it. PR man Steffen Stratmann (Matthias Koerbelin) is brought in to improve the companies image - but before he can implement his plan a nuclear meltdown occurs. 2m people have to be evacuated. Wernecke re-enters the hot zone to investigate the cause...
El código de Carlomagno: la lanza sagrada
Eik Meiers
Después de recibir la llamada de Bachmann, atrapado en un laboratorio de la época de Napoleón donde ha realizado un asombroso hallazgo, los aventureros Eik y Katharina se dirigen al lugar y descubren que el profesor ha desaparecido. Secuela de "El código de Carlomagno".
Until Nothing Remains
Dr. Gerd Ruppert
Der gestiefelte Kater
König Otto
Once upon a time there was a miller who had three sons. When the miller died, the three sons shared the inheritance. The oldest, Hermann, got the mill, the second, Hubert, the donkey, the third, Hans, the tomcat Minkus.
Liebling, weck die Hühner auf
Lorenz Thiel
The Reason Why
Jan Haigerer
Think of a really nice person, a friend of yours, someone who could never hurt a fly. Imagine finding out that he is supposed to have killed someone. You're told that he has shot a person in a bar, for no obvious reason. He has already confessed. He says the murder was planned. He expects a life sentence. He even longs for it. He wants to pay for his crime. The psychiatrist cannot see any mental illness. People around him don't think him to be evil. They like him. They want to help him and protect him from himself. And they all ask the same question: Why....?
M/S Gustloff
Hellmut Kehding
Joseph Vilsmaier Two-part TV movie focuses on the tragic events surrounding the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff, a German passenger ship, at the end of World War II. On 30 January 1945, Captain Hellmuth Kehding was in charge of the ship, evacuating wounded soldiers and civilians trapped by the Red Army. Soon after leaving the harbor of Danzig, it was hit by three torpedoes from the Soviet submarine and sank in less than an hour.
Liebe nach Rezept
Michael Fürstenberg
With magical love herbs Corinna wants to bring back momentum in their marriage, but the thing gets out of hand. Ironically, on her wedding day, Corinna realizes that her marriage is in a dead end: her once-romantic husband now prefers to look after other women and otherwise only thinks about business. How is she supposed to make Michael feel a little bit more emotional again? Corinna's Romanian cleaning lady Rosha knows her advice: she gives Corinna a magical love herb that is supposed to turn the stressed-out workaholic into a freshly in love romantic.
Durch Himmel und Hölle
Tom Gerling
Unter Mordverdacht - Ich kämpfe um uns
Michael Lehmann
Willkommen daheim
Dr. Wolfgang Schlegel
The Berlin physiotherapist Felicitas Büchner wants to work with her married colleague and lover dr. Wolfgang Schlegel open his own practice in Berlin. But she needs money for that. With the unexpected inheritance of a farm in Bavaria moves for Felicitas the realization of their dream within reach. Wolfgang urges her to sell the estate as quickly as possible and to return from the cow village to Berlin - but Felicitas is impressed by her old home and gradually realizes that she has inherited a responsibility with the court of her favorite uncle.
Honey Baby
An American, with a past as a successful musician, makes a living by playing at weddings and the likes in Germany. Then he gets an offer to tour in East Europe. During his travels he gets insight and finds true love.
Zwei gegen zwei
Sven Laurenz
Hunger auf Leben
Siegfried Pitschmann
Seven Weeks In Italy
Jan Steiner
La dolce vita! Except life is anything but sweet for Jan (Kai Wiesinger), whose attempts to modernize an old luxury hotel in Italy are thwarted by the local competition’s mafia-like methods. Fortunately, help is at hand in the shapely form of Maria (Liane Forestieri), a German-Italian who originally came to fetch her young son. Together, they get the job done and, this being a romantic comedy, fall in love just as marketing director Susanne, who also happens to be Jans’ girlfriend, arrives to inspect the work. Her suspicions are soon aroused.
The Tenth Summer
Karl Spielplatz
The tenth summer of Kalli is certainly one of these magical experiences. Along with his friends, he initially planned great things, including opening a zoo - however, one that not only offers the ordinary creeping or fluttering items in a preserving jar, but a true sensation...
Car salesman Gerry Schartl is on his way to dream holidays in an all-inclusive club at Cosamera. He´s a smart guy, great in his job, and his life is perfect - well, nearly perfect...
Angeles caídos
Tom Craven
La escuela para chicas Holy Angel, abandonada ya hace tiempo, está a punto de desvelar un misterioso pasado lleno de traición, celos y venganza. Los rumores de encantamientos acompañados por el deseo de olvidar las dolorosas tragedias que ocurrieron hace 5 años. (FILMAFFINITY)
La máldicion de Drácula
Dr. Seward
Miniserie de TV de dos episodios. En Budapest, se celebra una fiesta de la alta sociedad a la que asiste el inversor Jonathan Harker acompañado de su novia Mina y sus amigos. Allí conoce a Vladislav Tepesh (Patrick Bergin), un rico heredero que decide contratar sus servicios para adquirir en Budapest una propiedad para su tío, el Conde Drácula. Para cerrar el trato, Harker acude al castillo del conde, donde lo recibe un enigmático caballero de comportamiento ruín y despreciable que lo convierte en su prisionero y lo encierra con unas seductoras vampiresas. A continuación, Drácula va en busca de Mina, de la que se ha enamorado por una fotografía. (FILMAFFINITY)
Leo & Claire
In 1933 Nuremberg, successful Jewish businessman Leo Katzenberger owns an apartment building and runs a shoe store. A devoted family man, he has a good relationship with his loving wife Claire. As the climate in Germany grows increasingly dangerous, bombshell Irene moves to the neighborhood. After forming an unlikely friendship, his relationship with Irene is immediately regarded with suspicion.
Laberinto de mentiras
La vida de Sophie ha cambiado. Su enfermedad ha desaparecido y ha encontrado el amor. Pero cuando su marido la lleva la noche de bodas al ático que ha comprado, Sophie tiene una extraña sensación. A partir de entonces, su vida volverá a ser un infierno.
Antonia: Entre el poder y el amor
Leonardt Ahrendorff
La atractiva estudiante de derecho Antonia Scherer y su novia Judy están ganando dinero durante las vacaciones en una revista de chismes. Parte del trabajo consiste en tratar de tomar fotos de gente famosa en la Costa Azul. Las dos chicas rápidamente se fijan en Leonhardt, el hijo mayor de una familia de banqueros ricos, en una situación sugerente. Al darse cuenta de que han sido descubiertas por él, Antonia se escapa con la película, pero a continuación tiene un accidente y pierde el conocimiento. Ella se despierta en el yate privado de Leonhardt...
Asesinato en el Orient Express
Philip von Strauss
Adaptación de una de las novelas más conocidas de Agatha Christie. Narra la historia de un asesinato perpetrado durante un viaje en el legendario Orient Express. La investigación del famoso detective belga Hercules Poirot (Albert Finney) tropieza con grandes dificultades, pues los ilustres pasajeros disponen de una coartada que los excluye como sospechosos. Inmejorable reparto para un film que consiguió un Óscar (mejor actriz secundaria:Ingrid Bergman) y seis nominaciones.
Emil y los detectives
Knut Tischbein
Emil es un niño que viaja a Berlín para visitar a su abuela, pero en el tren un hombre le roba el dinero mientras Emil duerme. Cuando despierta, ve al tipo alejarse entre la gente de la estación, y en la capital alemana, Emil contará con la ayuda de unos detectives para dar con el ladrón.
Highway Society
Jack Bogart
The mechanic Jack tries to get rid of his criminal background.
After the Truth
Peter Rohm
The famous Nazi-Doctor Dr. Josef Mengele - the "death angel of Auschwitz", who killed more than 300.000 people - comes back from his hide out in Argentina to Germany as a 87 year old man. He must stand up in front of a court for his crimes. The young solicitor Peter Rohm has to defend him. But Peter Rohm - himself an expert on Josef Mengele and his crimes - feels unable to do this. When he decides to take on the case he endangers not only the relationship to his wife but also their lifes. A fictional story around the non-fictional person of Josef Mengele who died in 1979.
The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Winds of Change
In the nineteenth film in the series, in May 1919, Indy is working as a translator at the historic Paris Peace Conference. He meets up with T.E. Lawrence once more, but finds his ideals have changed a lot since the start of the war. Indy then decides to finally head home to Princeton - even though it means having to face his father. He gets reacquainted with his childhood friend Paul Robeson, who becomes the target of racism when they visit New York City.
Terror in the Mall
Chris Maratos
A group of people are trapped in a deserted mall during a flood along with an escaped prisoner.
Comedian Harmonists
Erwin Bootz
Narra la historia de un famoso sexteto alemán de música de cámara (cinco voces y un piano) desde 1927 hasta 1934, año en el que las autoridades nazis prohibieron sus actuaciones, porque tres de sus componentes eran judíos.
Hunger - Addicted to Love
Laura loves Simon and Simon loves Laura. But Laura does not love herself enough to let Simon closer to her. The reason being something nobody is allowed to know: she tries to suffocate any kind of feelings by giving in to eating attacks. When Simon finds out, their relationship threatens to break apart.
Still Movin'
14 días de vida
Konrad von Seidlitz
Konrad von Seidlitz, importante abogado, tiene un despacho con su socio Axel Haring. Como gancho publicitario accede a cumplir una sentencia de 14 días por multas impagadas de aparcamiento. El nuevo y arrogante preso, que presume de sus contactos sociales, pronto hace enemigos entre sus compañeros de cárcel. En seguida es víctima de una conspiración que le llevará a permanecer entre rejas durante dos años más por tráfico de drogas. Su novia le deja y su socio le abandona, el joven conoce ahora la dura rutina carcelaria.
German Comedy
Joachim Beck
Unter Druck
Talk of the Town
René Krauss
Comedy about a woman who hosts a radio talk-show who turns thirty and worries about not having a husband. With the help of her gay brother, she places an personal advert in the local paper and meets a charming dentist. Unfortunately, she finds out he is married, and her brother also falls for him.
Una amistad muy especial
Fritz Becker
Tres amigos cumplen el deseo del cuarto, agonizante, y le llevan a Heidelberg, donde se conocieron 45 años antes, con el fin de que vea a su antigua novia por última vez. Sin embargo, los habitantes de la ciudad no hablan de ella, debido a un secreto que se remonta a la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Der Leihmann
Max Bieber
El hombre deseado
Expulsado una noche del apartamento que compartía con su novia Doro tras ser sorprendido por ésta en compañía de otra mujer, el atractivo Alex se queda en la calle. Allí conoce a Walter, un homosexual que se siente atraído por él y que le lleva a una fiesta gay en donde le presenta a Norbert, propietario de un gran apartamento que no le importaría compartir, pues también se siente atraído por Alex.
Frauen sind was Wunderbares
A screwball comedy about relationships between women and men.
Klaus Voormann
Stuart Sutcliffe (Stephen Dorff), John Lennon (Ian Hart), Paul McCartney (Gary Bakewell), George Harrison (Chris O'Neill) y Pete Best (Scot Williams) son miembros de un grupo de rock de Liverpool: The Beatles. En Hamburgo los contratan para tocar en un club. En la ciudad alemana conocen a un joven artista y a Astrid Kirchherr (Sheryl Lee), una guapa fotógrafa cuya relación con Stuart, pondrá en peligro la estabilidad del grupo.
Little Sharks
When dishwasher Ingo, whose girl-friend has just left him, returns a borrowed bar stool to the Folkwang Acting School in Essen, he stumbles into the audition for next year's new students. He lets Johannes, the broke and unsuccessful applicant, stay with him. Ingo decides to go to Munich with Johannes, where he wants to try his luck once again. Hitchhiking, they get rides with very different drivers on the autobahn. They meet up with the smooth-talking Ali in the wayside dinner "Raststätte Spessart". Arriving in Munich, the trio tries to find cheap sleeping accommodation. They enter Ingo into the audition at Munich acting school. Moreover, Johannes falls in love with street artist Herta from Berlin. Written by emkarpf