An old con-man fakes an illness and takes advantage of the kindness of one of his nurses.
After graduating from high school where she was a boarder, Reine Ducasse decides to settle down with her rich father Louis in his luxurious apartment. She has just begun her studies in history and has a good friend, Frédéric, a medical student who wouldn't mind being more than just that. Around her, strange fellows attract her attention. Who is Philippe, allegedly Louis's stockbroker? And what about Marguerite who presents herself as her father's former secretary? Even more puzzling is the video cassette she finds in her father's place, showing young motorbikers distributing bundles of banknotes. Some time later, Charles, one of the bikers appearing on the video, rings the doorbell: he is wounded.
After graduating from high school where she was a boarder, Reine Ducasse decides to settle down with her rich father Louis in his luxurious apartment. She has just begun her studies in history and has a good friend, Frédéric, a medical student who wouldn't mind being more than just that. Around her, strange fellows attract her attention. Who is Philippe, allegedly Louis's stockbroker? And what about Marguerite who presents herself as her father's former secretary? Even more puzzling is the video cassette she finds in her father's place, showing young motorbikers distributing bundles of banknotes. Some time later, Charles, one of the bikers appearing on the video, rings the doorbell: he is wounded.
Journalist and television presenter Patrick Gemet accepted the invitation of Victor Lumen to visit him in his old and strange Burgundian residence.
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
Roberte, 40, resistant during the war, Calvinist and anticlerical, is deputy to the chamber and inspector of Censorship. She married Octave, an old Catholic aesthete, professor of canon law, whom she saves from impeachment for collaboration during the war. He submits his wife to a perverse custom: the laws of hospitality or prostitution of the wife by the husband.
This is the tale of a father-son duo who are unable to leave each other. The trouble begins when the son decides to destroy his father's image.
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Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial Lacombe, un joven campesino cuyo padre está prisionero en Alemania y cuya madre se acuesta con su jefe, intenta ingresar en la Resistencia. Rechazado por el cabecilla local, ingresa por azar en la policía alemana. Con una capacidad asombrosa para amoldarse a lo que su nuevo puesto le exige, su vida cambia cuando se enamora de France, la hija de un sastre judío.
El rodaje de una película tropieza con una serie de dificultades que afectan tanto a los miembros del equipo como a la propia película.
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Una pareja marginal va en busca de su hija menor, que huyó de casa.
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Antoine y Christine son una pareja de recién casados. Mientras él se gana la vida vendiendo flores secas por las calles de París, su mujer imparte clases de violín. Pasa el tiempo y tienen un bebé, pero Antoine, que sigue siendo un hombre emocionalmente inestable e inmaduro, tiene una aventura extramatrimonial.
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Película basada en hechos reales acontecidos a finales del siglo XVIII. Narra el proceso de educación de un niño que creció aislado en el bosque sin contacto alguno ni con los hombres ni con la civilización. Una de las películas más celebradas de Truffaut.
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The harsh life of a troubled young man provides the basis of this grim French tragedy that begins when the fellow stops into a shop to buy a pack of the title cigarettes. There he meets a pretty shop girl with whom he falls in love and eventually marries. It was a foolish choice, for the two cannot get along and constantly fight. Things get worse when the husband resumes his criminal activities and gets caught. The two are about to divorce when the woman gets pregnant. The time comes for their baby to be born and while sitting in the waiting room, the husband reflects upon his past activities, which are revealed via flashback.
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Paul Wagner ha heredado una exitosa empresa de champán, pero no parece tener mucho interés en el negocio. Hace algún tiempo, Paul sufrió una grave lesión en la cabeza y, a pesar del tratamiento, todavía muestra signos de trastorno mental. Su prima Christine está decidida a vender la empresa a algunos compradores de América, pero Paul se niega a entregar su participación en la empresa. Sabiendo que Paul se alojará en Hamburgo en breve, Christine, con ayuda de su marido, pondrá en marcha un plan para salirse con la suya.
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En el siglo XVIII Suzanne Simonin -Anna Karina- es obligada por su familia a entrar en el convento de Longchamp, donde la superiora De Moni -Micheline Presle- la convence para que tome los hábitos, pero a la muerte de ésta debe soportar la férrea disciplina de la Madre Sainte-Christine -Francine Bergé- y su afirmación de que está endemoniada.