A UFO abductee joins a secret government agency in order to communicate with the sole surviving alien of a downed spacecraft.
George Oppenheimer has two problems: an eccentric wife and an uncontrollable child. At work his team invented a computer with personality. George thinks the computer is faster, smarter and elegant. When his life falls apart, the computer offers suicide as the only alternative.
The 'White Mouse' was at one point top of the Gestapo's Most wanted list in France. A saboteur who went on to lead 7,000 resistance members and rescued over 200 Allied airmen, the 'White Mouse' was also a woman. The New Zealand born Australian; Nancy Wake.
Gino's Godfather
Coming-of-age story about an Italian-Australian teenager making his way in the world.
Benny Lucas
Tras curar la leucemia del hijo de un importante senador, un hombre misterioso va, poco a poco, adentrándose en su vida y en la de su esposa que acaba sintiéndose atraída por él. Son muchos los que temen que este curandero milagroso no sea más que un charlatán que sólo busca manipular al político.
Stork is a gangly young man, a virgin with an overactive imagination who thinks he’s a revolutionary. Bored with a design job at General Motors Holden in Melbourne, he drops out and moves into a share house with his mate Westy. He daydreams his way through life, bungling job interviews, upsetting ‘respectable’ people, and getting drunk. The only girl in the house, Anna resists Stork’s advances, because she’s already involved with the other two resident males, Tony and Clyde. But when she becomes pregnant and Clyde and Anna decide to marry, Stork, Tony, Clyde and Westy are shocked when they realize that either one of the foursome could be the father. Then the fun begins....
Paul Lawrence (as Sean McEuan)
Paul Lawrence is a working class man who dates Cara, sells shirts at a Sydney department store, and dreams of attending art school. Cara leaves for London and Paul becomes the protege of designer Marie Rosefield. Through this he enters the 'set', the world of Sydney art society. Rosefield is friends with Mark Broniski, an artist who commissions Paul to design a set for British stage director, John L. Fredericks. Paul is helped by art student Tony Brown, who is dating Paul's cousin, Kim Sylvester. Paul and Tony begin a homosexual affair. Kim's mother Peggy has an affair with Boronoski.