Chiara Alberti

Chiara Alberti


Chiara Alberti
Chiara Alberti


Magari resto
In the splendid setting of the Cilento, Francesca is preparing for her wedding but feels that something in her life is not quite right. Surrounded by her longtime friends, with wedding preparations in full swing, she begins to ask herself important questions and to look for answers where she has always built her most solid certitudes, as ever finding help from her counsellor, Don Fabio. She will end up stumbling on a truth that will completely subvert the tidiness of her life, questioning her tenets, only to realize she is ready to find herself.
Made in China Napoletano
Ovunque tu sarai
Madre di Flavia
Francesco, Carlo, Loco e Giordano, lifelong friends, depart from Rome towards Madrid to celebrate the bachelor party of Francesco but above all to make, as happened on other occasions, a trip together. In fact, the trip is also an excuse to go see their favorite team away in the Champions League. In their path intersect to Pilar, a beautiful Spanish singer who, unknowingly, brings havoc within a close-knit group favoring, including unexpected, laughter and comical situations, even the come to diversity afloat, insecurities and never those words. On their return, nothing will be as before.
L'abbiamo fatta grossa
Addetta stampa teatro
Yuri Pelagatti is a stage actor who is left jobless after a traumatic separation that resulted in his inability to remember his lines. Arturo Merlino is a shabby “investigator” who chases cats escaped from their homes. When Arturo and Yuri cross paths, Yuri is under the mistaken impression that Arturo is a consummate professional. He contracts Arturo to follow his ex-wife in order to find proof of her infidelity. But when he accidentally comes into the possession of a mysterious suitcase containing 1 million Euro, a series of hilarious troubles and daring adventures will result in an unpredictable finale…
Romanzo criminale
Fidanzata del Francese
Roma, años 80. Tres jóvenes delincuentes, Libanés, Frío y Dandy, con la ayuda de una improvisada banda de malhechores, entre ellos El Negro, un extremista que se cree el último samurai, secuestran y asesinan brutalmente a un rico propietario. El dinero del rescate deciden invertirlo en el negocio de la heroína. Así nace una organización criminal despiadada que elimina a todos sus rivales, controla completamente el tráfico de drogas y se alía con la Mafia. Al mismo tiempo se beneficia de la protección de los hombres sin rostro a los que el gobierno asigna el trabajo sucio. Mientras tanto, las autoridades están enfrascadas en la lucha contra el terrorismo de las Brigadas Rojas y subestiman la avalancha de violencia y dinero sucio que inunda y domina Roma.